September 2021 eNews

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A newly appointed advisory panel will play a critical role in supporting an initial placement of 3,000 Afghan evacuees as they settle into Australian life. This news came in a recent announcement from Hon Alex Hawke MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Aff​airs.

This Advisory Panel on Australia's Resettlement of Afghan Nationals is set up to ensure appropriate settlement and integration support is available and ready for Afghan new arrivals and the communities into which they will settle. This panel will be working to provide the right support and services to ensure the physical and mental wellbeing needs of the Afghan evacuees are met.

The panel is made up of leaders from key cultural groups and organisations across the country who are well placed to provide the appropriate expertise and support. MYAN’s Chair and CMY CEO, Carmel Guerra OAM will be joining the advisory panel.
Read the full media release here
MYAN along with two American based advocacy organisations: LeadPeace and Generation Ratify, will be hosting a Culture Festival on September 18 and 19 from 9 -11 AM (AEST).
Day 1: 
Draw-and-Talk Dialogue about Identity
Standing in Your Power: panel on self-care during advocacy
Day 2: 
Speaker segment: embracing your culture as a young leader
Radical Feminism in the 21st Century: the intersectionalities and history of the gender equality movement.

Join us for the exciting event!
Launch of the MYAN/Deloitte Access report
COVID-19 and young migrants - impact and solutions
  On 17 August 2021, more than 240 people attended the launch of the MYAN/Deloitte report "COVID-19 and young migrants - impact and solutions". This report highlights the impact of COVID-19 on employment for young migrants and reveals how the recession of 2020 will likely have lasting effects on this group of young people. 
Read the MYAN/Deloitte Access report
News from Young Leaders at MYAN
Presentation to the Select Committee into Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
On 11 August 2021, Yatha Jain, participant of MYAN’s National Leadership Project (NLP),  Youth Ambassador for MYAN NSW, and panellist at MYAN’s recent national forum "Intersectionality in mental health – what makes us different" presented at the Select Committee into Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.  

Yatha, along with representatives from the Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY), did an impressive job communicating to the Committee the critical importance of recurrent co-designed mental health literacy and a culturally responsive mental health service system. Other topics raised included the importance of anti-racism in schools and the need for an anti-racism framework in educational systems, the importance of improved disaggregated data collection, building a culturally diverse and responsive workforce, and the need for proactive partnerships with young people, communities and services that work with them.

Thank you Yatha, for your fantastic advocacy on this incredibly important topic.
Note: The video is currently unavailable.

COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout
Stakeholder Pack
COVID-19 Vaccines Multicultural Outreach - September 2021
As of 5 September 2021, everyone in Australia aged 12 years and over are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. While AstraZeneca vaccine is still the preferred vaccine for adults above 60, and Pfizer for children between 12-17, adults between 18-39 can now get either AstraZeneca or Pfizer, after consulting with their GP. 

The Australian Government has published COVID-19 vaccine information in 64 other languages. To get information about the Covid-19 vaccine in your language, see here

Thinking about vaccine WHAT IF's?
Bust some Covid-19 vaccination myths here.

Share your views as a young person on the COVID-19 vaccine and get paid with a $45 gift card!
MYAN's young leaders are conducting group discussions to help shape the Australian Department of Health’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout communication for multicultural communities. If you a young person (15-30) from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Community (CALD) background then you can now be a part of the discussion group and contribute to the goal.

Each participant will be reimbursed with a $45 gift card for their time and contribution.
Register for an upcoming consultation in your state/territory here
Training and Opportunities

Advocacy and Policy Training
Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYAC) have launched their new Advocacy Training and Policy Training workshops for young people and organisations. These online workshops support participants to become effective advocates, develop policy and engage with government. More info and registration

Intake and Assessment Officers to support the work of the Afghanistan Crisis Helpline

The Refugee Council of Australia on behalf of the Asia Pacific Network of Refugees (APNOR) are seeking two part time Intake and Assessment Officers to support the work of the Afghanistan Crisis Helpline. The Helpline aids individuals and families in Afghanistan and Iran affected by the current crisis in Afghanistan.  To view the position description and to apply, see here.

United Nations Internship Program for International Students 
Applicants from any part of the world are invited to apply for the United Nations Internship Program 2022. The selected interns will be working at the United Nations Office in Geneva. 

Internships are available in many areas including Political Data Analytics, Research and Communication, Human Resources and many more. Find out more here.


Between Two Worlds: stories from a diverse Australia.

SBS Voices invites writers aged 18 and over to submit a first-person memoir piece, between 1,000-2,000 words.  The topic 'Between Two Worlds: stories from a diverse Australia' aims to uncover bold new voices that reflect the diversity of contemporary Australia. More details here
Entries open from 16 August - 16 September 2021.

FECCA along with the Federal Government and other organisations is calling out applications for CALD COVID-19 Health Small Grants Fund. This Fund will help multicultural community groups to lead grassroots communication activities around COVID-19 and the vaccination rollout, targeting CALD communities.
To know more and apply, click here.


FECCA 2022: Advancing Multicultural Australia is the premier conference on multiculturalism, diversity & inclusion, and migration co-hosted by The Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA), and the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria (ECCV). The conference will host multicultural communities, policy makers, service providers, academics and many more, over two big days of interesting presentations, speakers and topics. Read more and register.
Applications close 1 October 2021

4th National Settlement Conference - Building the Future Together

Settlement Council of Australia is organising the Fourth National Settlement  on 3rd- 4th Feb 2022. The Conference will bring together key innovators to highlight achievements and develop strategies for building a positive multicultural future. 
Register for the event.

The Youth Futures Summit is Back!
Save the date - 5-7th April, 2022

Tackle the biggest challenge facing people of today and co-design the future of tomorrow in this event hosted by National Youth Commission Australia.
Last year, the world was devastated by COVID-19, and young people were some of the most impacted with rising levels of youth unemployment and underemployment, increasing debt for young people, disruption to school and education, serious mental health challenges, and more.  We needed to come together to confront our generation defining struggles and create a vision for life beyond the pandemic.
YFS will focus on creating long-lasting changes that will empower and encourage young people for generations to come. Know more.


ACOSS Policy Webinar Series with Settlement Services International
Insights on Newly Arrived Refugees: Women and Digital Inclusion

Join Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) on 9 September at 12:30PM - 2PM (AEST) for an important discussion exploring insights from newly arrived refugees, focusing on women and digital inclusion. The webinar event will feature an expert panel discussion moderated by Omar Dehen, award-winning journalist for SBS World News.

The discussion will be preceded by a presentation of the research findings from the Foundations for Belonging 2021 report, which aims to deepen understanding of the social and civic dimensions of integration in the early stages of settlement. Register here

In the Media
Towards net zero: Practical policies to reduce industrial emissions
Towards net zero: Practical policies to reduce industrial emissions is the second in a series of Grattan Institute reports examining practical ways to cut emissions across the economy. This report identifies actions that are available right now and calls on governments to put policies in place to encourage them. Researchers believe that Net zero by 2050 is a tough target and that it will require an unprecedented pace of asset replacement and renewal, starting now. This series shows how we can start reducing emissions with practical proposals that both sides of politics could adopt.
Australian Red Cross teams connecting families

Australian Red Cross teams are helping people who have lost contact with family in Afghanistan. Because of the evolving situation, re-establishing contact may take some time, but ARC are urging anyone in Australia who has lost contact with relatives to please call our Restoring Family Links hotline on 1800 875 199 or via email at This information is also on ARC’s website and on Facebook in Dari and Pashtun:

SA Report on Digital Inclusion Understanding the impact of digital poverty on children and young people

In the twenty-first century being connected to people, places and opportunities, and being confident and equipped with the digital skills are crucial to children’s development. The report My Digital Life by South Australia highlights the requirement for a targeted digital inclusion strategy focused on children and young people’s needs. The report calls for a digital inclusion strategy that could feature equal access to the key components of digital devices, data, and storage, alongside digital literacy and digital citizenship. 

Lessons from past crises for child and adolescent mental health during COVID-19

COVID-19 is a crisis like no other in modern times. It has reached every population and community. While the evidence base is still nascent, this report- Mind Matters by UNICEF looks at the impacts of disasters and past epidemics – such as Ebola, HIV, SARS/MERS and Zika – on child and adolescent mental health and psychosocial wellbeing, and examines how these insights can guide policies and programmes to support children, their families and communities during the current pandemic.

Australia's Youth Policy Framework

Australia's Youth Policy Framework sets out a blueprint for how the Government supports young people to navigate life’s challenges and be engaged and active citizens who contribute productively to society. It has a strong focus on what young people need to successfully transition into adulthood while maintaining their mental health and wellbeing. The Framework has five objectives ranging from acknowledging the impact of COVID-19 on young Australians; to Outlining the services and programs available to young people and much more. 

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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
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(03) 9340 3700

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