September eNews (copy 02)

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Welcome to MYAN's September eNews! Read on for a recap on the Melbourne Declaration Youth Consultations, 20 years of Centrelinks's NMAG, updates on MYAN youth consultations and the latest resources!  

National News 

Melbourne Declaration Youth Consultations
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Education Council hosted a workshop to consult with youth from across Australia on the Melbourne Declaration on Edcational Goals for Young People which was held in Melbourne on Friday, 13 September 2019. It provided an opportunity for young Australians to discuss their views about the future of education policy and how to best reflect these views in the next national declaration, before presenting their perspectives to education ministers. It was a great opportunity for Education Council members to hear from youth directly.   

Amran Abdi, Shout Out Speaker with CMY in Victoria, children's book author and passionate advocate of early childhood education attended the youth consultation on behalf of MYAN. Amran welcomed the opportunity  to meet  with the Federal and Victoria Education Ministers to discuss ‘... our ideas on what being a happy, successful learner looked like for migrant students’. Thanks Amran!

Opportunities to Contribute
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Integration Handbook- MYAN Consultations and Survey

MYAN is working with UNHCR Headquarters in Geneva to update their Integration Handbook, focusing on Chapter 3.3 Investing in the future: children and youth.  As part of this project, MYAN is running consultations with young people from refugee backgrounds in Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, Germany and the United States of America to capture the voices of young people and ensure their feedback informs the development of any new content.  These consultations will be conducted in a variety of ways including face-to-face, via skype (group and individual) and via a survey.
This is a great opportunity for young people to have their voices heard internationally. UNHCR will learn directly from young people about what they need when they settle in new countries. This information will be used to develop policy programs that address the rights and needs of young people in the settlement and integration context .

Children and Young People Survey

MYAN has developed a survey to learn more from young people about what they need when settling and building a new life in resettlement countries. This is a great opportunity to help shape positive settlement outcomes for young people. Survey closes 9th October. 

Take the survey

Afrocentric Perspectives of Belonging on Social Media

This is an in-depth study on the social media experiences of young persons of African descent living in Australia. Through a mixed-methods approach, the project aims to collect data that explores the everyday social media experiences of this culturally-diverse group, providing empirical evidence that substantiates the capacity of digital spaces to provide opportunities for belonging in Australia. Criteria for participation: 16-25, permanently living in Aus and must identify as being of African descent.

Take the survey

National Policy
Nationhood Inquiry- MYAN NSW Youth Consultation Particpants, September 2019


Consultations on the Inquiry into 'Nationhood, National Identity and Democracy'.

MYAN  has prepared a submission to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee's Inquiry into 'Nationhood, National Identity and Democracy.' This is an important inquiry. MYAN Australia's vision is that all young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds are able to be active participants in, and contributors to, an Australian society in which they feel they belong. This is achieved when we invest in a vibrant, culturally diverse Australia where young people feel safe, included and respected as young Australians.

To ensure that the submission was informed by the views  of young people from around Australia, consultations were held in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria and with members of our National Youth Advisory Network (YAN) and Victoria's Youth Advisory Group (YAG).  Groups of diverse young people shared their views on what factors influence and shape concepts of identity, providing relevant and valuable perspectives on these important issues. 

A national consultation was also held with sector representatives who provided important insight from their experiences of working directly with young people.

Special thanks to MYAN NSW and MyQ in Queensland for their fantastic work hosting their consultation!

Update on the National Youth Settlement Framework Review

The National Youth Settlement Framework review is underway and MYAN wanted to say a big thank you to all who completed the survey and shared with their networks. It’s been great to receive your feedback! This will ensure that it the NYSF continues to enable services to respond more effectively to the settlement needs of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. 

Please keep your eye out for further updates- we'll be launching the revised NYSF later this year. And don't forget to look out for upcoming training dates in your state/territory.

20 Years of the Department of Human Services’ National Multicultural Advisory Group (NMAG)

Nadine Liddy, MYAN's National Co-ordinator and Shannon White, MYAN's Policy and Advocacy Officer were in Canberra to attend the the annual NMAG working group meeting and celebrate its 20 year anniversary. 
This year’s NMAG meeting is was once again a great opportunity for MYAN and other peak bodies and organisations  in the refugee and migration sector to provide direct, grassroots feedback to the Ministers office on issues relating to Centrelink on behalf of the young people we work with. At this years NMAG meeting, the 2019-22 Multicultural Servicing Strategy was launched and members had the chance to attend the 'Transformation Workshop' highlighting new ways of working with technology. There was even the opportunity to engage in some virtual reality!  

Rocio Perri, Director of the Multicultural and Tailored Services Branch, Department of Human Services
with NMAG members in Canberra celebrating 20 years of NMAG September, 2019

Upcoming National Conferences
Queer Displacements: Sexuality, Migration & Exile
14-15 November 2019

The Australian National University Canberra Australia

Questions of sexuality and refugee or migration status remain on the margins of queer and refugee movements, policy and support services.

The first of its kind in Australia, this conference aims to bring together academics, practitioners and LGBTIQ+ people seeking asylum and refugees to discuss pertinent issues of queer forced displacement and foster dialogue between official and unofficial groups invested in research and practice for coordinated solutions and better support of affected populations.

Confirmed keynote speakers include:

  • Professor Eithne Luibheid, University of Arizona
  • Lilith Raza, Queer Refugees Deutschland, Lesbian and Gay Federation Germany
  • Eliana Rubashkyn, Rainbow Path, New Zealand
  • Dr B Camminga, African Centre for Migration & Society, Wits University, South Africa
  • Tina Dixson, Queer Sisterhood Project, Australia

Register here

Youth Futures Summit
March 2020
Presented by the National Youth Commission. 

The Youth Futures Summit will examine challenges and opportunities that lie with the education, training and employment systems for all young people. It will identify ideas and solutions for how to create an ecosystem that will see all young people equipped to fully participate in work and society

This Summit will bring young people, employers, government, unions, educators, not-for-profit workers, youth organisations, peak bodies, tertiary and VET students, and academics together. 

Early bird registration here



Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand has released a new publication regarding forced marriage. Opportunities to Respond to Forced Marriage within Australia's Domestic and Family Violence Framework  highlights opportunities within existing domestic and family violence law and policy to prevent and respond to individuals impacted by forced marriage. Download the report here

Stronger Together : The impact of family separation on refugee and humanitarian migrants in Australia - Oxfam
For many people who find sanctuary in Australia, ongoing forced separation from loved ones affects their ability to build a new life in Australia. The lack of family reunion opportunities in Australia significantly impacts people with refugee backgrounds, affecting their ability to obtain an education, find and hold stable employment, and develop new social networks. The report outlines recommendations in order for government to reap the significant long-term benefits of family reunification. Download the report here

New work by the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY) reinforces the importance of culture and identity to the wellbeing of young Australians and offers guidance on how these can be better measured and managed. The report, A Positive Sense of Identity and Culture, has been prepared by ARACY for the Australian Government Department of Social Services. It is accompanied by three Practice Papers. The report and practice papers can be found here
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700

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