September eNews

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Welcome to MYAN's September eNews. MYAN and its partners have kicked so many goals this month, we're surprised we didn't make the Grand Final! Read on to catch up on the latest national news and activities, updates from states and territories, our recent work in national policy and international policy, fantastic opportunities for young people and the sector, and useful resources.

National News 

National Children's Commissioner, Megan Mitchell with delegates at the National Children and Youth Forum, Research Leader, Professor Lisa Gibbs and MYAN National Coordinator, Nadine Liddy. 
Kids' Rights Survey results announced at National Children and Youth Forum 2018

MYAN had the pleasure of attending the National Children and Youth Forum 2018 at the University of Melbourne on 7th September. Junior research leaders presented the key findings from the Kids' Rights Survey to a panel including MYAN National Coordinator, Nadine Liddy alongside the National Children's Commissioner, Megan Mitchell, UNICEF Young Ambassadors Eva Massey and Josh Brittain, Melbourne Boomers basketball player Maddie Garrick.  

The Kids’ Rights Survey drew 22,700 responses from young Australians under 17 on what issues matter to them, and what needs to be done to promote the rights of all children and young people in Australia. The rights with highest priority chosen by children were to be safe, to be cared for, to have a home and to have a clean environment. Children and young people from CALD backgrounds were more likely to say they wanted to be treated fairly and have a say. Check out the Infographic of findings. 

Megan Mitchell will present the findings to the UN when reporting on the progress of Australia's implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Read MYAN’s submission to National Children's Commissioner on CRC

End Child Detention Coalition workshop together with shared vision

MYAN 2018 scholarship recipient, Shabnam Safa participated in the End Child Detention Coalition (ECDC) advocacy workshop focused on developing campaign strategies to end immigration detention of children on Australia’s mainland. MYAN is an affiliate member of ECDC which advocates for the release of children from immigration detention. MYAN believes that detention is never in the best interests of a child.
Pictured: Participants of ECDC's advocacy workshop discuss effective campaigning for the release of children from immigration detention. 

MYAN's Chair recommends a stronger focus on youth at National AMEP Conference

MYAN's Chair, Carmel Guerra made a presentation at the National AMEP Conference in Melbourne recommending youth-specific English language learning opportunities under the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). A panel of young people discussed their experience with AMEP and learning English. MYAN advocates for a flexible and responsive approach to AMEP delivery which recognises the specific and complex needs of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, including barriers they may face to learning English after arriving in Australia. 
The Youth Panel of AMEP program participants from different states with MYAN's Chair, Carmel Guerra

FUSE 2019 - Application and event details coming soon! 
Building on the success of FUSE 2014 and 2016 held in Sydney and Melbourne, planning is now underway for MYAN's National Multicultural Youth Summit, FUSE 2019!

What? FUSE will be a three day summit focused on building the leadership, advocacy and community organising skills of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
Who? FUSE is targeted to young people who have some previous experience in leadership, advocacy and related activities, or who are looking for an opportunity to build these skills.
When? FUSE will be held in April 2019 in Melbourne. 

News from states and territories

Pictured L-R: Yusra Hasan (VIC), Sally Thompson (TAS), Tamkin Essa (WA), Hannah Watts (ACT), Hannah Lai (NSW), Monica Rivas (QLD), Duré de Winter (VIC) & Alice Gomez (VIC)

Youth Leadership Training for MYAN representatives 

MYAN conducted a 'training for trainers' session on youth leadership with its state and territory partners in Melbourne on 18th-19th September 2018. Participants received two days of intensive training on innovative ways to support youth leadership. The training served as a platform to exchange ideas about current work and future plans for improvements for youth leadership across the MYAN network.

MYAN WA welcomes new group of talented Shout Out speakers! 

MYAN WA has welcomed 14 new Shout Out speakers to this year's program, which has now expanded to include the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people. The new young speakers recently undertook intensive training on public speaking and storytelling. All the new speakers showcased their skills at a recent event and are now ready to be booked for speaking engagements. They have also been busy creating their own podcasts, which you can listen to here.  

MyQ talks "Showing up, Standing Up, Speaking Up" with Jim Chalmers MP 

Federal Member for Rankin and Shadow Minister for Finance, Jim Chalmers MP spent some time with Multicultural Youth Queensland (MyQ) State-wide Youth Council members, discussing becoming a politician and serving community interests. Jim shared what his motto “Show Up, Stand Up, Speak Up” means to him and the role that Youth Leaders play in achieving social cohesion. 
Pictured: MyQ Youth Council members with Federal Member for Rankin, Jim Chalmers MP 

National Policy 

Submission on Funding to Schools

MYAN made a submission to the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit on its inquiry on Australian Government Funding to Schools based on Auditor-General's report no. 18. MYAN recommended accountability for funding for English as an Additional Language (EAL) in schools and funding allocations to meet the specific needs of students from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

Submission on Review Processes Associated with Visa Cancellations

MYAN made a supplementary submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Migration on its Inquiry on Review Processes Associated with Visa Cancellations. You can read MYAN’s initial submission here and supplementary submission here. In its submission, MYAN called for an expanded inquiry into visa cancellations regime, including a focus on the specific impact and circumstances of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, their families and communities, and emphasised that the current visa cancellations regime is leading to ‘double penalisation’ of young people while undermining the efforts of the youth justice system.

International Policy 

MYAN welcomes the release of the United Nations Youth Strategy, Youth2030 - Working with and for Young People. The Youth Strategy is the first of its kind at an international level, envisioning a world in which the human rights of every young person are realised; that ensures every young person is empowered to achieve their full potential; and that recognises young people’s agency, resilience and their positive contributions as agents of change.


Youth Poll on Challenges Faced By Migrant and Forcibly Displaced Children

UNICEF is conducting a youth poll among migrant and forcibly displaced children where they can express the challenges they face. UNICEF is conducting the poll until 10th October (available in English, French, Arabic and Spanish), to ensure the voices of migrant children and youth are heard by leaders and decision makers when they convene in Morocco to sign the Global Compact on Migration in December.

Respectful Relationships Education Resources

MYAN wants to hear from you on the needs and gaps for provision of suitable Respectful Relationships Education (RRE) resources for students from refugee and migrant backgrounds, their teachers at schools, and their families. Your feedback will be utilised by MYAN in its work with a partner that plans to develop a possible future RRE resource for young people. Take the survey here

'Fostering Integration Grants - now open for application

The Federal Government is inviting organisations to apply for the Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Program – Fostering Integration Grants. Information about this funding round can also be found on GrantConnect. Applications close at 2:00 pm AEDT on 9 November 2018.

Metropolis 2018: New thinking on migration starts here

The International Metropolis Conference 2018 will be held on 29 October - 2 November in Sydney. The Conference brings together academics, government and community leaders and practitioners across the world for a week of learning, discussion and debate on migration, diversity and integration. There will be a free workshop on the first day open to graduate students attending an Australian university and 25 scholarships are available for PhD and other graduate students to attend the full conference. For more information click here. MYAN will be facilitating a workshop with young people at the conference. Stay tuned for details! 

African Australians Settlement & Integration 2030: Opportunities and Challenges Conference 

African Think Tank Inc. are holding a Conference on 12th and 13th November 2018 at the University of Melbourne. The Conference will look at African Australians' contribution to protecting and strengthening Australia’s multiculturalism and social inclusion. It will also set the agenda for the African-Australians settlement and integration beyond 2030. Download the brochure here. Register here

Melbourne: Australian Public Service Review - Public workshops

An Independent Review of Australian Public Service (APS) is organising public consultations to hear about your experience of government, and how the public service can deliver better services to people. This is a great chance to ensure that issues concerning young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds are raised in planning the future of Australia's public service. 
VIC: Melbourne, NT: Alice Springs SA: Ceduna / Adelaide

SA Youth Week Grants for 2019 

Grants applications are open for SA Youth Week (SAYW). Local councils, State Government agencies and non-government organisations that work directly with young people aged 12-25 years are encouraged to apply for grants of up to $2,000 to fund SAYW 2019 events and activities. Applications close 5 October, 2018. Find out how to apply here

2019 Humanitarian Scholarships 

University of Technology Sydney (UTS) is offering Humanitarian Scholarships for 2019. The Scholarship provides full academic tuition and a $1000 per year living allowance for undergraduate study to asylum seekers who hold Temporary Protection Visas (TPV), Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (SHEV) or Bridging Visas, and who are completing Year 12 studies in 2018 in Australia. See here for more information and application.

What would you say? 2018 My First Speech competition opens

If you’re a student enrolled in year 10 to 12, it’s time to find out – entries are now open for the 2018 My First Speech competition. The competition closes at 5pm on Friday 19 October 2018. 


A new study Adjustment of refugee children and adolescents in Australia: outcomes from wave three of the Building a New Life in Australia study - suggests young refugees settling in Australia are adapting well to their new country, despite facing adversity associated with forced migration. The study is the first of its kind and highlights the need to continue efforts to identify vulnerabilities; and support the mental health, well-being and adjustment of young refugees. Read more in this article published in Melbourne University's Pursuit. 
The Law Council of Australia released the final report of The Justice Project on the state of access to justice in Australia. This comprehensive report details the issues around immigration detention of children and young people, as well as concerns about visa cancellation provisions under current legislation.

A paper titled Troubled kids? Locational disadvantage, opportunity structures and social exclusion compares young Australians’ accounts of their opportunity structures – their engagement with enrichment activities, post-school aspirations, and their knowledge of routes to achieve them – in two suburb types.

A new UNHCR report, Turn the Tide: Refugee Education in Crisis tells the stories of some of the world’s 7.4 million refugee children of school age under UNHCR’s mandate. It looks at the educational aspirations of refugee young people eager to continue learning after secondary education, and highlights the need for strong partnerships in order to break down the barriers to education for millions of refugee children and young people.
The Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY)’s new infographic compares the life of 23 year olds in Australia in 2017 and 2007, reporting on what has changed for young people in the last decade in their transitions from school to further study, work and adulthood. 
Successful Communities works to supply practical support to people within CALD community groups to help them plan for the future, develop strong leadership, engage people and volunteers, execute successful projects and events. The Community Toolbox contains handy information and online tools and resources to assist community groups with projects and planning. 
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700

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