Sneak Peak – Launch Panel and National Youth Settlement Framework

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MYAN is delighted to invite you to the launch of the
National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF) 2020 edition.
RSVP for the launch
MYAN released the NYSF in 2016 and it remains Australia’s first and only evidence-based national guide to benchmark good practice with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds - and is the only one of its kind globally. With practical tools, including Self-Assessment Guides, the NYSF is designed to equip policymakers and service providers with the skills and knowledge to best support young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds to thrive in Australia.
Meet the launch panel
With Carmel Guerra as moderator, Alison Larkins will formally launch the NYSF 2020 and we’ll hear from Nadine Liddy, Apajok Biar and Alex Long.
Alison Larkins 
Commonwealth Coordinator-General for Migrant Services

Alison was appointed in her role in late 2019.  Alison has had extensive experience working across social policy portfolios at the Commonwealth level, with previous roles including Deputy Secretary, Social Policy at the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, acting Commonwealth Ombudsman, and the head of the Refugee, Humanitarian and International Division in the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. 

As the Coordinator-General for Migrant Services, Alison is working closely within the Commonwealth, and with state and territory governments, industry and the community sector to drive improvements to employment, English language, and broader settlement outcomes, and will also promote the contribution migrants, refugees and humanitarian entrants make to our nation.
Carmel Guerra
CEO, Centre for Multicultural Youth 

Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Centre for Multicultural Youth, the first and largest organisation in Australia to work exclusively with migrant and refugee young people. She is also the Chairperson of the Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN) Australia, the national peak body representing multicultural youth issues.  

Carmel is widely recognized for her knowledge and advocacy on multicultural youth issues and she was awarded the Victorian Premier’s Award for Community Harmony in 2015 and a Medal of the Order of Australia in 2016.
Apajok Biar
Chair, South Sudan Voices of Salvation Inc 

Born in a refugee camp in Kenya, Apajok arrived in Australia with her family as a 2 year old toddler and is a passionate gender equality advocate and the empowerment of women and girls, and advancing refugee youth participation in decision making that affects them.  At 25 years of age she has just completed a Bachelor of Social work. She has been a MYAN NSW Ambassador, is chairperson and co-founder of the South Sudan Voices of Salvation Inc., a not-for profit youth run and led organisation, she volunteers at her local community centre engaging with refugee young people and is currently the Senior Community Facilitator for CREATE Foundation.

Apajok was the 2017 recipient of the MYAN International Refugee Youth Scholarship, representing Australia at the UNHCR in Geneva, was a finalist for the 2018 Australian Human Rights Commission Young People's Human Rights Medal was also a member of the Gender Audit team to the UNHCR in Geneva in 2018 and 2019.
Nadine Liddy
National Manager, Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN)

Nadine has worked in the youth and multicultural sectors for almost three decades and is a passionate advocate for refugee and migrant youth rights. With extensive experience in forced migration, settlement and youth work, her expertise sits across policy, advocacy, service delivery and sector development - in the Australian and global context.

This includes developing Australia’s first National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF), contributing to national research projects and publishing articles, leading global advocacy on refugee youth rights and supporting youth participation in national, regional and global opportunities.
Alex Long
CEO, Multicultural Youth Affairs Network NSW

Alex is a passionate social justice advocate who works with young people from diverse cultural, faith and linguistic backgrounds. Alex is committed to advancing racial justice and decolonising my practice within the community sector. Alex has experience in the areas of settlement; youth leadership and participation; policy and advocacy; program design, monitoring and evaluation; training and sector development.

Alex has a keen interest in racial equity, youth justice, mental health, LGBTIQA+ issues and how to create inclusive, welcoming and empowering organisations.
Sneak peak into the NYSF:
RSVP this week to receive a copy of the National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF) 2020 before the launch!
RSVP for the launch
We look forward to connecting with you on Wednesday, 1 July 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm.

The MYAN team - Nadine, Shannon, Mehak and Andrew
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