Update – MYAN Sector Meeting COD-19

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A big thank you to everyone who participated in our National Sector Zoom meeting on Monday - 100 people from across sectors and almost every state and territory in Australia. We also had an additional 50 RSVPs who unfortunately were unable to join the meeting (the Zoom online meeting capped us at 100!) Our sincere apologies to those of you who were unable to join and we look forward to connecting with you at the next meeting.

We heard from the sector and young people about the impact of COVID-19 on young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, including initiatives/responses to best support them, their families and communities. It was fantastic to hear the positive feedback from participants already. Thanks again to everyone for nationwide networking, and sharing their knowledge and resources.

From the meeting we have captured and organised the following items:
Summarised notes
List of shared resources and opportunities
(This list will continue to be updated)

If you would like a video of the conference after reading through the notes please contact us. 

We would also like to share the contact details of participants and RSVPs for peer to peer support opportunities and collaboration. Please click the button below if you are happy for your contact details to be shared and then press send.
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We hope this information can support the critical work you are doing with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds across Australia.

Next Steps
MYAN will be consolidating the notes from the meeting into a Policy Brief to support our advocacy work in relation to the impact of COVID-19 on young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, and will share this soon. As requested at the meeting, we are also investigating an online platform to facilitate ongoing sector networking and information sharing, and will convene a follow-up Zoom meeting in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

MYAN team

Contact: myanprojects@myan.org.au
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700


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