Updated Resource – National Meeting on Disability

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Updated resource 👇🏽
We have just updated the Collated links and resources from the National Meeting on Disability to include some additional links: the free online training for NDIS registered disability services and the refugee council report in the National section.

Please note that we have tried to capture links and resources specific to supporting young people from CALD backgrounds with disabilities.

Updated version:
Collated links and resources from the National Meeting on Disability

Thank you for joining us!
National Meeting
Young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds with disabilities: exploring experiences and gaps
12 August 2020
Dear Attendees,

Thank you for joining last week’s National Meeting on Disability. With over 370 RSVPs and more than 220 people joining on the day, we were delighted to co-host this unique event with
NEDA - exploring the experiences and policy/service system gaps for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds with disabilities.

Quick recap:

The event began with a Q & A with youth advocates Cindy Liu and Grace Edward. A huge thanks to Cindy and Grace for their open and honest insights from their lived experiences. They spoke to the complexities and intersections of being a CALD young person with a disability - both the challenges and the strengths. They answered questions relating to education, and strategies to improve family engagement and made some recommendations for improvements. 

We also heard from special guests Jessica Boyle and Shauna Maguire from th
e Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability who provided an overview of the work of the Royal Commission and guidance on the submission process, noting that submissions can be prepared in language via email, video or audio. They also highlighted that despite receiving over 1200 submissions so far, the voices of young people from CALD backgrounds with disabilities are not represented.

Royal Commission Submission Process:

How to share your story
Supports available
Translated information

The meeting concluded with contributions and questions from attendees in relation to support for young people from CALD backgrounds with a disability.  


We would like to share with you a Snapshot of the discussions. These visual notes have been prepared by Sienna Aguilar. You may have seen the recent Snapshot of MYAN’s National Youth Panel on COVID-19 developed from notes taken by Sienna. MYAN engaged Sienna for this meeting on disability and we are delighted to share these notes below. You can also access the meeting recording below, as well as a collation of links and resources:
Visual notes on National Meeting on Disability
Collated links and resources from the National Meeting on Disability
Watch the National Meeting on Disability
Next steps:

MYAN will be making a submission to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. If you would like to contribute to this submission, please contact MYAN’s Policy and Advocacy Officer: shannon@myan.org.au

Stay tuned for updates about this process.

We also hope to convene follow-up meetings looking at the experiences of CALD young people with a disability - so stay tuned for any future events.

Take care, and stay safe.

The MYAN and NEDA team
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