YAN SA Application EDM #1

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We are recruiting for a
Youth Ambassador Network (YAN) representative
for South Australia!


Are you a young person from a refugee or migrant background from SA who is actively involved in creating change in your community?

Are you passionate about having the voices of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds heard on a national level?
Then MYAN Australia’s Youth Ambassadors Network might be the next leadership and advocacy opportunity for you…
YAN Representative - Details and Application Form
Applications close on Monday 5th October 11:59 PM
Please note: A connection/s to a local youth organisation in SA that supports young people in leadership and advocacy is required to apply. This to ensure you are supported locally as well as through MYAN Australia.

What is the purpose of the YAN? 

The YAN is an important mechanism for MYAN Australia to engage directly with young people and ensure that young people’s voices are integral to all of our work. The YAN also provides a platform for young people to work with other young people around Australia,  strengthen their leadership and advocacy skills, engage with a range of national advocacy activities and influence the national agenda on multicultural youth issues. 

 MYAN Australia will provide support and training opportunities to the YAN representatives as part of their engagement with the network.

If you know a young person who would be a great YAN representative for SA then please share this with them! 
YAN Representative - Details and Application Form
If you have any questions or would like any more information, please contact:

Mehak Sheikh (Youth Leadership Officer) mehak@myan.org.au
Shannon White (Policy and Advocacy Officer) shannon@myan.org.au

The MYAN team - Nadine, Shannon, Mehak and Andrew
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700


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