Youth Panel Snapshot

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Youth Panel Snapshot
National Youth Panel
COVID-19: exploring the new normal
Led by young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds
Dear Attendees, 

Thank you once again for joining us last month as we explored the ‘new normal’ during and post-COVID 19 with four incredible young leaders from across Australia. Since our panel, we’ve seen even more restrictions come into place in some parts of the country and it has emphasised the need for us to engage with young people in all our discussions related to COVID-19 – in the immediate and longer-term recovery. 

We put together this panel because we believe that the voices of young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds should be central to our work on the ground and inform the ways in which we establish and deliver policy and support services. This was one opportunity for you to engage with young people from across the country and we hope to organise more, but we also hope that you are inspired to listen and learn from young people in your organisations and work. 

With many themes and topics explored, we would like to share a summary of the key issues from the panel, highlighted in the infographic below.
MYAN National Youth Panel on COVID-19: A Snapshot
This Snapshot was developed from notes taken by Sienna Aguilar
Watch the National Youth Panel on COVID-19: exploring the new normal
Thank you and stay safe.

The MYAN team

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(03) 9340 3700

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