FUSE 2019

Hosted by MYAN, FUSE is Australia’s bi-annual national youth leadership summit for young people from refugee and migrant background.

MYAN hosted Australia’s third national youth leadership summit for young people from refugee and migrant background– FUSE 2019 – from 14-17th April in Melbourne. Building on the success of FUSE 2014 and FUSE 2016, and with the themes of ‘Connect, ‘Ignite’ and Trailblaze’, FUSE 2019 was once again a unique and transformative opportunity for young Australians from refugee and migrant backgrounds to build leadership and advocacy skills, expand their networks and connect with peers from across Australia. 

Over 3 days, delegates participated in skills building workshops, heard from experienced advocates working in diverse sectors, explored key issues and solutions facing young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, and engaged with decision-makers and MPs from the state and commonwealth level.

Given the timing of the federal election, FUSE 2019 also utilised MYAN Australia’s election policy platform to inform discussions and guide advocacy on the final day ‘pitch’ to MP Tim Watts, Sen Janet Rice and Australia’s National Children’s commissioner, Megan Mitchell. Delegates presented on education and training, employment, settlement support, health and well-being and youth participation and inclusion.

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