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English Language Acquisition for Young People from Refugee and Migrant Backgrounds


A brief policy review and reflections from providers of the Youth Transition Support services.

This paper has been prepared by MYAN with Youth Transitions Support (YTS)1 service providers through the YTS Community of Practice (COP). The YTS COP was established to support an independent evaluation of the YTS pilot, facilitate collaboration and reflection on good practice and document YTS practice. It was coordinated by MYAN.

This paper highlights the perspectives of YTS providers and draws on MYAN’s policy work to provide an overview of recent research, policy and programming into the acquisition of English language skills in Australia by recently arrived young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. It provides an overview of gaps/barriers and strategies for strengthening young people’s English language acquisition identified by YTS providers.

While building English language skills is not a core element of the YTS, it is a critical factor in both young people’s successful transition from education to employment and to achieving successful settlement outcomes more broadly. Given this, and the role of YTS in assessing and meeting the transition needs of young people between 15 and 25 years of age, YTS service providers have important perspectives on barriers and facilitators to improving young people’s English language acquisition.

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