A Welcome Message from Young Leaders – February eNews

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Welcome message from our Youth Ambassador Network (YAN):
We as the YAN are young passionate advocates across Australia, doing work locally with our state and territory based organisations and in the national space through MYAN Australia, to positively impact the lives of young people across Australia. 

COVID-19 has exacerbated inequalities already experienced by our communities.  This year we hope to increase engagement with our peers and put a spotlight on the important issues we are facing collectively as young people and lead initiatives to address these issues. We hope to take our advocacy to new heights, with more projects and events throughout this year. We will be sharing more with you throughout 2021 and look forward to ensuring our voices are heard.

Watch this space!
Important messages from our Youth Disability Reference Group (YDRG)
We will be sharing snippets and highlights of our last youth panel - led by young people from our YDRG with CALD backgrounds and lived experience of disability. There is an incredible wealth of important messages and valuable advice for the sector.

You can find these clips on all our social media channels including our new Linkedin page.

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Share translated resources for the COVID-19 vaccine rollout
Translated Resources on COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

Important translated resources from the Department of Health that you can share with your community and networks.
What’s on at MYAN for 2021?
  • National Youth Leadership Project - We will be delivering a new training program for emerging young leaders to increase confidence, capacity, and public speaking skills to take on opportunities including speaking at National panels and meetings with decision-makers at a national level. We will be co-facilitating this with young leaders and will be evolving this program throughout the year.
  • Youth Panels - We are working with our Youth Ambassador Network, Youth Disability Reference Group and emerging young leaders to deliver panels led by young people on emerging and important issues with our first panel focusing on employment.
  • Sector Meetings - We are planning an exciting schedule of national sector meetings for 2021, based on feedback and learnings in 2020. This includes a national consultation on the Select Committee Inquiry on Job Security.
  • Women at Risk Research - In collaboration with Migration Council Australia, we have been researching the settlement experiences of young people arriving through the Women at Risk (204 visa) program and exploring settlement support gaps. We ran consultations including a national meeting last year and are planning to release the outcomes of this research in March.
  • Economic Analysis of Young People’s Economic Participation - There is currently no economic analysis of the economic participation of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds in Australia. We know this group of young people make up almost half of Australia’s youth population and face particular barriers to economic participation, but very little exists on the factors that influence this participation. Recognising this as a significant gap in the national policy and research landscape, MYAN has engaged Deloitte Access Economics to undertake expert economic analysis on employment specific to young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. This will ensure the experiences and trends for experienced for this group are more accurately understood and addressed at national and sub-national levels in policy, service design and delivery. 
  • COVID-19 Policy Platform - We are working to progress recommendations from the platform with a priority focus on mental health, employment, digital access, education and social cohesion. Stay tuned for more details on our work in each of these areas.
  • National Youth Settlement Framework - Our state and territory partners will be delivering training on applying the NYSF in practice and we will be delivering more national events to complement this. These will be opportunities to hear from practitioners, young people and policy makers about using the Framework, with a focus on the Good Practice Capabilities
  • Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) - We are looking forward to working with First Nations communities to develop MYAN’s RAP. This will provide MYAN with a framework to drive MYAN’s contribution to the reconciliation movement, including practical actions to develop respectful relationships and meaningful opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
If you are interested in finding out more or if you are interested in working with us on one of these projects please contact:

Shannon White
Policy and Advocacy Officer at MYAN

Events in your State and Territory

Save the Date - MYAN NSW Network Meetings 2021

MYAN NSW invites you to join the Network Meetings for 2021!

These network meetings will continue to provide opportunities for shared and collaborative learning, as everyone works towards improving life outcomes for multicultural young people. The meeting dates for this year are:

March 4th
June 3rd
September 2nd
November 25th

Last year the meetings focused on the following themes:
  • Ethical storytelling 
  • Adapting services during COVID-19
  • Building an Anti-racist workplace 
  • Access to higher education for refugee and migrant young people
Register your Interest
Opportunities for Young People

Become a Multicultural Ambassador for Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA)

Applications for the MHFA Multicultural Ambassador Program 2021 are open to all members of the community who represent one Australia's many multicultural communities and are passionate about better mental health outcomes, increased awareness and reduced stigma around mental health issues in Australia's CALD communities.

This program’s aim is to provide community leaders with an official platform to become involved in the introduction and coordination of mental health related programs within their communities. The forum also provides opportunities for professional development and social engagement.


Creatives wanted for Melbourne Design Week

Are you a creative who is part of a community that speaks a language other than English?

The exhibition Mistranslations will see artists and designers communicate and visually interpret COVID-19 information with care. It will be a thought-provoking exhibition that demonstrates how design can support our most vulnerable communities. Submissions now open closing 15th February. 

Research Opportunity

Paid research for young people with disabilities on education transitions

Are you a young person with a disability aged 15 to 24? Did you move from school in 2020 or are you moving from your school this year to work, do further study or something different?

This is an exciting opportunity to share your perspectives and receive a $50 prepaid visa card as a thank you for your time.

Participation in either a 2 hour maximum Research group (with breaks) with a maximum of 5 other participants OR participation in a maximum 1 hour interview. Interviews and Research Groups are both facilitated by a young person with disability with an experienced researcher there to supervise and take notes.

You can sign up by completing the questionnaire
here! If you are interested and/or want to find out more information about this project, please email Helen at h.dickinson@adfa.edu.au or call/text Tasha on 0423 833 523.

In the Media

More than 30 countries condemn Australia at UN over high rates of child incarceration
Human rights session calls on Canberra to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14 as China attacks Australia over ‘baseless charges.’
Jobs for the kids: 'I don't want to see them falling through the cracks'
The solutions to youth unemployment can create entry-level jobs while simultaneously tackling the major challenges of our time.


Translated Resources on Mental Health
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700


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