March eNews – Job opportunities and events!

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Welcome to MYAN’s March eNews.

It’s been an exciting start to 2021! 

We have been busy with policy submissions, inducting our new Youth Ambassador Network (YAN) representatives, a national youth leadership program, working with the Department of Health to support a safe and culturally responsive COVID-19 vaccination roll-out, planning for our first national meeting for 2021 on 10th March and our partners in WA, QLD and NSW have upcoming events in March, including NYSF training in NSW.
We have also been in communication with the ABS about Census 2021 and are pleased to be sharing exciting job opportunities for CALD young people with the Australian Government Census 2021.

Read on to learn more about these exciting updates including the commencement of our National Youth Leadership Project along with our collated news and opportunities from across the country. We’re also excited about a new section in our monthly newsletters on current employment opportunities for young people.

Stay safe and well.

The MYAN team   - Nadine, Shannon, Swathi and Andrew
What’s on at MYAN?
A great start to the National Youth Leadership Project
We were thrilled to get 2021 off to a great start with our National Youth Leadership Team for emerging young leaders. This 2-day program brought young people together from across Australia to develop their leadership skills, increase confidence, capacity, and public speaking skills to take on and lead national opportunities.

The two-day program included:
  • public speaking training
  • values-based leadership training
  • a panel presentation by our Youth Ambassador Network (YAN)
  • brainstorming discussion of opportunities and upcoming youth-led panels
We will be doing further training in media and writing with the 10 young people who attended. Watch this space as there will be important national events and projects delivered and led by the young people in this program!
Spotlight on our new MYAN’s Youth Ambassadors – SA

Meet Chanceline!
Who is Chanceline Kakule?

My name is Chanceline. I’m 22 and I’m a student. I’m in my second year of nursing and my third year of psychology and criminology at two different universities. I have six siblings in a family of 9…quite a lot of us! I was born in Congo, grew up in Zambia and came to Australia in 2010.

What do you consider your greatest achievement to date?

I am most proud about opening up a conversation within my community around the issue of racism. Whether it be between those with and without refugee and/or migrant experience. E-raced has been a stepping stone into turning an unmentionable topic issue such as racism into an everyday conversation through its aims to minimise racism one story at a time.

What are you hoping to achieve in 2020 as YAN’s SA representative?

I live in a non-diverse community and a lot of migrants/refugees often move to the big cities after living here for some time, seeking more opportunities. There’s not a lot of people from diverse backgrounds and through E-raced I’ve been thinking about going around and talking to all sorts of people to get their stories shared so that the community can get to know the people within their community more. In doing so, it builds understanding and helps bridge those gaps, and I hope to do more of this in my role at MYAN.
Read the full interview
News from Young Leaders at MYAN
National Meeting on Job Employment and Security
MYAN is hosting a national sector consultation on Wednesday 10th March 12pm -1.30pm AEDST to hear from the sector about the impact of insecure work on young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

This meeting will inform MYAN’s submission to the Select Committee on Job Security, a committee established to inquire into and report on: the impact of insecure or precarious employment on the economy, wages, social cohesion and workplace rights and conditions.

We welcome your valuable input and look forward to engaging with you on this important topic.

Recent Policy and Advocacy Work
MYAN Submission on Australia s 2021-22 Migration Program
Our recent submission to the Department of Home Affairs on Australia’s 2021-22 Migration Program highlights that the pause on migration in response to COVID-19 presents an important opportunity to reflect on Australia’s Migration Program and plan for a program that equally: 
  • meets the economic needs of Australia
  • upholds our global commitments to providing resettlement through the Humanitarian program, and
  • ensures that economic benefits are balanced with adequate support to migrants and investment in social cohesion. 
Our submission reflects a number of concerns and recommendations that are important for the young people we work with, as well as their families and communities. These include: regional settlement, social cohesion and the attractiveness of Australia as a migrant destination country.
MYAN Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security’s Inquiry into Extremist Movements and Radicalism in Australia
Our recent submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security’s Inquiry into extremist movements and radicalism in Australia focuses on the rise in Australia of ideologies, groups and individuals that threaten Australia’s social cohesion. It includes a call for more public debate on this issue, stronger policy, and legal responses, and more effort to regulate systems and forums that promote these ideologies.
MYAN Submission to Social Services Legislation Amendment (Strengthening Income Support) Bill 2021 
MYAN is joining with organisations and individuals across Australia to support a permanent increase to JobSeeker. The economic downturn in Australia due to the impact of COVID-19 saw the participation rate fall as people left the labour market, and the unemployment rate rise. While the Australian economy seems to be recovering relatively quickly from COVID, the recession of 2020 will have lasting effects on young people. However, MYAN is deeply concerned about the proposal to increase JobSeeker's base rate by $3.57 day to $44.00 per day and the impact this will have on the ability of young people, including young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds to meet the costs of basic necessities like food, utilities, rent and the costs associated with looking for work. The impacts of living in poverty are far reaching, but have significant consequences on people’s job readiness and ability to access secure and meaningful employment opportunities. 
What’s on in your State/Territory ?
Youth Mental Health Forum - Multicultural Youth Queensland (MyQ)
Join MyQ for a panel discussion with young leaders from diverse backgrounds, panel discussion and an expo of mental health services.

Date: Saturday 6th March
Time: 10am-3pm
Venue: Griffith University (Logan Campus)

MYAN WA Harmony Youth Panel
Join MYAN WA in celebrating Harmony Week this year. MYAN WA is hosting a panel event to hear from young people from multicultural, migrant and refugee backgrounds about their experiences and reflections on many issues such as multiculturalism, youth representation, motivation, leadership, and community. 

Our panelists include Shout Out speakers -  our exceptional young people from migrant, refugee and multicultural backgrounds telling their stories. Following the panel discussion there will be a morning tea and opportunity to network with other attendees. 

Date: Friday, 26 March, 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Foyer Oxford, 196 Oxford Street Leederville 6007

For more details contact MYAN WA here
MYAN NSW Network Meeting
At MYAN NSW’s first meeting for 2021, we will:
  • Learn about mental wellbeing in the workplace
  • Find out about practices that support good mental health at work
  • Hear directly from industry leaders about what works and current trends in workplace wellbeing
Speakers include:
Sharon Ponniah, PwC | Health & Wellbeing, Public Policy Team

Trudi Anderson. SSI | Culture, Inclusion & Wellbeing lead

Good news from your State/Territory
Youth ambassadors leading a creative workshop - MYAN NSW
Two Youth Ambassadors from MYAN NSW, Emmanuel Asante & Raneen Shamon, led an art workshop in February! Raneen shared her skill in painting mountains using acrylic paint & pallet knives. Emmanuel led in creative drawing and sketching of a bird. MYAN NSW strongly believes in young people being paid for their work and enhancing their employability. Emmanuel and Raneen were both paid by MYAN NSW to facilitate the art workshop and if you would like to collaborate with MYAN NSW to make this happen again - please reach out to Hannah Lai, Youth Programs Coordinator, on
Scouts NSW Trained on the National Youth Settlement Framework
MYAN NSW has been working with Scouts NSW to tailor and deliver a one-day training session on the National Youth Settlement Framework that took place on February 20th. Members of the metro region attended the training which was co-facilitated with two young people.  The session aimed to provide Scouts NSW with greater knowledge and confidence to improve their engagement with young people from CALD, migrant and refugee backgrounds.
This session marked the beginning of a longer-term strategy and part of the Scouts for Refugees initiative to continue building their capacity to engage with multicultural young people and their communities.
Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) Annual Report 2019-2020
Our partner organisation CMY had great achievements in a year full of extraordinarily challenging circumstances.

Read about the impact and work of CMY in their recently published Annual Report.
TINA Talks
2021 International Women’s Day

TINA Talks are; Topical, Inspirational, Naked, and Authentic. Delivered as a four-part panel series, TINA Talks are a great opportunity for women at any stage of their career looking for professional development, connection with like-minded peers, and engagement with a range of intersectional feminist issues. This event includes MYAN’s WA YAN representative Zahra Al Hilaly speaking on Impostor syndrome: Silencing self-doubt.
New Ideas Lab - Expressions of Interest
ArtPlay New Ideas Lab provides the opportunity for artists to propose new projects to be undertaken with ArtPlay as part of our creative program for children and families.
Four projects will be supported. For one of these, as part of an ArtPlay Family Services initiative, we would like to support a project that engages culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) families with children 1 to 5 years of age and we strongly encourage artists and producers from CALD backgrounds to apply.
Jobs Hub
Census Local Engagement Officer
An opportunity to work within local communities and organisations to ensure people from diverse backgrounds are counted and receive the support they need to participate in the Census.
Jobs for these roles are now open. We encourage people from a range of backgrounds to apply.
Youth Work Intern (Bicultural) - Pasifika Youth Project | Full Time, Remote / Work from Home | Melbourne

National Campaigner - Climate Change | Full Time, Contract | Flexible location

Arabic Language Tutor | Contract | Sydney
Multicultural Youth Worker - Working for Victoria - Gippsland | Full Time, Contract | Regional VIC
Leadership Officer | Full Time, Contract | Melbourne
Programs Support | Part Time, Contract | Melbourne
Youth Participation Design Officer | Full Time / Part Time, Contract, Remote / Work from Home | Melbourne

Graduate Program Participants | Casual / Graduate | Melbourne
Registered Nurses - Quong Tart (Chinese speaking registered nurses) | Part Time, Casual | Sydney

Program Coordinator - Peer Groups for Vietnamese Young people with Autism | Contract, Part Time | Melbourne

Policy and Advocacy Officer | Contract, Part Time | Sydney
Asylum Seeker Engagement and Connection Practitioner | Full Time, Contract | Brisbane & Gold Coast
In the Media
‘Our current system is not working’: Students design their own seat at the table
A group of teenagers entered NSW Parliament on Wednesday morning with a mission: to guarantee students a seat at the table when bureaucrats make education policy.
COVID-19 Stakeholder pack
The Vaccine Stakeholder Pack has a range of resources for sharing and adapting with your community, including: how to develop a video, audio files and social media graphics.

Translated COVID-19 vaccine rollout resources

Misinformation and truths about COVID-19
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700

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