May eNews – News from young leaders and submissions

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In case you missed it! Key updates from MYAN
Meet MYAN’s new National Manager - Rana Ebrahimi
We’re very excited to introduce you to MYAN’s National Manager, Rana Ebrahimi!

“I’m really excited to be leading MYAN in our work with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. As a migrant myself, seeing young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds supported, thriving, and achieving great things is something very important to me. I look forward to working with our youth leaders, state and territory partners, government, and multicultural youth sector. I can’t wait to meet everyone and continue the work MYAN has done in building and strengthening these valuable relationships to ensure that young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds thrive in Australia.”
Read more about Rana
In the Federal Budget 2021, MYAN welcomes the investment in women, increased support in mental health, extension to the JobTrainer program, and a significant commitment to new apprenticeships and traineeships. However, with no long term plan for young people in the Budget, we are concerned about a ‘lost generation’ of youth.
Read our full media release
Further reading:
UNICEF Australia welcomes investment in the nation’s children, UNICEF
The 2021-22 Budget and what it means for Migrants and Refugees, SCOA
Govt chooses detention over hope for world’s refugees in budget, RCOA
‘Ignored and left out’ – Young people respond to 2021 Federal Budget, FYA
News from Young Leaders at MYAN
Spotlight on our new MYAN Youth Ambassador for VIC -  Meet Jane!
Who is Jane Chen?
I’m a young second-generation Chinese-Australian, currently living on the unceded lands of the Eastern Kulin Nation. I live and breathe sociology, and I’m a policy thinker, writer, speaker, researcher and youth advocate.

What are you hoping to achieve in 2021 as YAN’s VIC representative?
I’m looking forward to working with YAN representatives across the country to remind governments and organisations that there should be ‘nothing about us without us’ – we’re here, we’re loud and we’re clever, with lots of ideas. I’m also particularly interested in supporting anti-racism initiatives.

Read the full interview with Jane
Policy and Advocacy Work
MYAN's Submission to the Inquiry into the Efficacy, Fairness, Timeliness, and Costs of the Processing and Granting of Visa Classes, which Provide for or Allow for Family and Partner Reunions
MYAN welcomed the opportunity to make a submission to the Inquiry into the Efficacy, Fairness, Timeliness, and Costs of the Processing and Granting of Visa Classes which Provide for or allow for Family and Partner Reunions.

MYAN recognises the direct link between family reunification, wellbeing, and social cohesion, and the need to overcome legal and practical obstacles to family reunification to ensure better settlement outcomes for young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.
Our submission focuses on the particular concerns and challenges faced by young people in their efforts to access family reunion, and provides a national perspective, drawing on our breadth of experience working with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, their communities and the youth and settlement sectors across Australia.
MYAN's Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Job Security
Throughout 2020-21, MYAN consulted broadly with young people and various sector organisations across Australia about the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on young people. Those findings have helped inform our submission to the Senate Select Committee on Job Security.

The risks associated with insecure work remain a pressing issue for the young people we work with. More investigation is needed into the impact of insecure work on young people who face persistent barriers to meaningful employment. 
The COVID-19 crisis has exposed how vulnerable young people in insecure work are to sudden economic and health shocks—with significant and potentially long-term impacts on their economic, social and civic participation, health and wellbeing, and capacity for robust recovery. It has also highlighted the urgent need for a strong, targeted, and coordinated response to address not only the shortage of meaningful employment for young people in Australia and the prevalence of insecure and precarious employment, but the need to address the systemic barriers that lead to these issues. 
Raise the Age - Joint Statement
MYAN stands with 76 organisations calling on all levels of government to urgently #RaiseTheAge of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14 years.

Find the 48 submissions here along with a public statement to the Council of Attorneys-General on raising the age
COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout
Stakeholder Pack
COVID-19 Vaccines Multicultural Outreach - May 2021
 The Department of Health has developed a May edition of the COVID-19 Vaccines stakeholder pack for multicultural audiences.
This pack contains in-language communication resources and information about the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the AstraZeneca vaccine, vaccine eligibility and vaccine safety

This stakeholder pack provides access to translated COVID-19 vaccines resources, which includes include posters, fact sheets, audio files, and social media content.
What’s on in your state/territory?

Exciting updates from MYAN NSW
MYAN NSW & SBS Learn have collaborated on a series of videos where 6 Youth Ambassadors talk about what a healthy and respectful relationship looks like to them. The purpose of these videos were to spark meaningful discussion amongst high school students and to complement the SBS Documentary currently airing: See What You Made Me Do. Thank you Naz, Abdallah, Cosmin, Shahida, Domina & Angelica for your advocacy! 

These videos are currently on the SBS Learn: Connect with Respect website.
The MYAN NSW team is growing! Izabella is the new youth projects officer working on CODEBREAKERS, a space for young people to express their thoughts on race, identity and belonging. Interested in learning more about this project? Get in touch with Izabella by emailing
QLD - Multicultural Youth Queensland

Annual leadership camp
MyQ (Multicultural Youth Queensland) held its annual leadership camp on 21-23 May at QCCC at North Tamborine. It was an opportunity to welcome new members, bond, participate in advocacy and leadership training and planning for 2021-2022.

The group was full of movers and shakers ready to impact in the multicultural youth space. Strong believers of 'Nothing about us without us,' the group aims to increase their visibility, mentoring young people, and sustaining their work in the advocacy space.

#Letstalkrace series is being released on MyQ Facebook and Instagram. Follow the pages for updates!
TAS - Multicultural Youth Tasmania

Achieve the best settlement outcomes for young people in National Youth Settlement Training

Multicultural Youth Tasmania (MYT) is hosting a 1-day training workshop in Hobart on the MYAN National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF).

This training will enable participants to respond more effectively to the specific settlement needs of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds in order to support their active and sustained participation in Australian society.

Who should attend this training?
People working with young people from refugee or migrant background, including asylum seekers. Appropriate for people working in education, health, community settings or youth, sports and recreation sectors.

Tuesday 20 July 2021
9:15 am – 5:15 pm AEST
Migrant Resource Center Tasmania
Level 1 1A Anfield Street, Glenorchy 7010
Register for NYSF Training in TAS
Register for NYSF Training in VIC
Jobs Hub
Communications and Engagement Officer

MYAN is one of the peak bodies in Australia supporting the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccination among Australia’s culturally diverse communities. This work involves facilitating engagement of culturally and linguistically diverse youth as key communication stakeholders within CALD communities.

MYAN is seeking a part time Communications and Engagement Officer who will assist with the coordination and delivery of key communication activities as part of MYAN’s project. These activities will include: engaging with key stakeholders (including young people and MYAN partners around Australia), designing key communication pieces in collaboration with young people and providing advice to management.
Communication and Engagement Advisors

Migration Council Australia is recruiting several contractors as Communications and Engagement Advisers to support and act on behalf of their respective networks of multicultural and ethno-specific health professionals and community organisations.

The contractors will deliver community engagement activities promoting trust and confidence in the COVID-19 vaccine uptake utilising their well-developed community networks and relationships.

Job descriptions below:
Adviser from Victorian African diaspora community
Adviser from Victorian South Sudanese community
Adviser from Victorian Somali community
Adviser from Victorian Burmese community
Adviser from Victorian Pasifika community
Adviser from Victorian South Asian Hindi speaking community
Adviser from Victorian South Asian Tamil speaking community
Youth Engagement Survey

Support research on youth engagement and active citizenship by completing a 6 minute survey form Creative Intelligence and Innovation capstone students at the University of Technology Sydney in partnership with UNICEF Australia.
Australia Talks, one of the nation's biggest social surveys, is back for 2021. Here's how it works

Is technology bad for your health? Are young people today better or worse off than their parents? And how often do you change your sheets? 

You might have strong opinions on some of these questions, and you probably know others who do too. But have you ever wondered what people outside your social bubble are thinking? 

That's the idea behind Australia Talks, the social research project launching across the ABC this week revealing what makes us tick, where we are divided, and the issues that bring us all together.
In the Media
Meet the young Trailblazers driving change across regional Australia
ABC Heywire is proud to announce and celebrate the winners of the 2021 Trailblazers competition. These young people have big plans for the futures of their projects and the impact they hope they'll each have on their corner of Australia, from helping to keep Indigenous language and connection to Country alive, to driving social change for people with disability.
Federal budget increasing time new migrants have to wait for welfare payments
Many of those who will be hit hardest by this year's federal budget will not complain because they have not come to Australia yet.
When will skilled migrants return to Australia? Not for another year, government says
Australia won't see a significant return of migrants to our shores for another year, according to projections in the federal budget papers.
'Racism in Australia: filling data gaps'
This paper is informed by an ongoing stocktake review of racism data in Australia, and specifically in Victoria. It draws on self-reported data collected through survey-based research and routine initiatives by government, community and other organisations, and points to a number of areas where racism data remain under-collected, including gaps that should be filled as a matter of urgency in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the first in the CRIS Issues Papers - a new series that responds to identified policy gaps and provides recommendations drawn from our members' expertise and research.

World Migration Report 2020
This interactive report is the tenth in the world migration report series, and has been produced to contribute to increased understanding of migration throughout the world. This new edition presents key data and information on migration as well as thematic chapters on highly topical migration issues. 

A Snapshot of Far-Right Activity on Gab in Australia
The report provides an analysis of over 45,000 posts produced by a network of 40 active Gab accounts between January and September 2020 and is the second in a series analysing the interplay between far-right and far-left groups in Victoria, Australia, across a range of social media platforms.

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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
304 Drummond St
Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700

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