November 2021 enews

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MYAN is offering limited tickets for the sector and young people of all backgrounds to participate in Day 2 of FUSE 2021


Hosted by MYAN, FUSE is Australia’s only national multicultural youth leadership summit. With the themes Connect, Ignite and Trailblaze, FUSE is a unique and transformative opportunity for young Australians from refugee, migrant and asylum-seeking backgrounds to build and apply leadership and advocacy skills, expand their networks, and connect with peers from across Australia.

In order to best respond to the challenges of COVID-19, MYAN has developed a hybrid model event involving a mix of online and in person activities. This has enabled us to open the online aspect of the event (Day 2) to more young people and to the sector as well.

The benefits of joining FUSE 2021 as a professional in the sector are:
  1. (1) Tuning into the panel events with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds as they pitch ideas to decision makers and advocates based on the themes of:

  •  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Rights

  •  • Climate Change

  •  • Mental Health

  •  • Racism

  1. (2) Learning more about the work of MYAN and how you can get involved 

    We have now opened registrations for the Day 2 online event.  

To be a part of FUSE 2021 DAY 2 click on the link below.
Register for FUSE Day 2
For more information about our speakers and FUSE events, visit MYAN's FUSE website.

Please note- Day 1 is reserved for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds only through invites. 

#WhatsYourWhy campaign
The #WhatsYourWhy campaign was launched by MYAN so young people could share their own reasons  for getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

Everyone has their own important stories to tell, but not every story is heard, so we wanted to amplify their stories through our platforms and networks. 

Sharing one’s reason for getting the COVID-19 vaccine will play a valuable role in shaping public opinion and perspectives on the COVID-19 vaccinations and in keeping our friends, family and community safe.

Following this initiative, many young people from different states and territories submitted their videos to inspire their community. 

You can checkout all our videos on these links below:




For more details, log onto:
Red Cross X MYAN partnership Co-design Crew has kicked off!
Redcross and MYAN Australia had their first co-design session earlier in the week  with 10 young people from refugee/migrant backgrounds who were selected to partake in the project. A series of workshops will take place over the coming weeks to look at ways we can improve the youth settlement experience in Australia.
Culturally and linguistically diverse communities covid-19 vaccine roundtable with international students 

On 1st October 2021 the National COVID Vaccine Taskforce, in partnership with Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) and MYAN held a roundtable with international students and representatives from international education providers across Australia. The purpose of the roundtable was to ensure international students currently in Australia, as well as the organisations and services supporting them, have access to the information they need to promote and encourage COVID-19 vaccination uptake. 

This event was facilitated by Ms Rana Ebrahimi, Ms Jess Winnall, and many others from The Department of Health and Education. In brief the participants discussed: (i) Eligibility for COVID-19 Vaccines, (ii) Access to vaccines for international students, (iii) Incorrect charging for vaccination, (iv) Recording vaccination, (v) Proof of vaccination for international students vaccinated in Australia, (vi) Vaccine recognition, (vii) COVID-19 vaccination after COVID-19 infection, (viii) COVID-19 vaccination after COVID-19 infection, (ix) Effective communications, (x) COVID-19 Mental Health Support .

Read the full report here.

Panel event ‘Inclusion and building of leadership of youth from diverse backgrounds’.   

MYAN’s Youth Advisory Network (YAN) are busy planning FUSE 2021. Mary, QLD YAN representative, and Martika, Youth Leadership & Advocacy Officer at MYAN attended a panel event ‘Inclusion and building of leadership of youth from diverse backgrounds’. A presentation was made to 25 young Indonesian changemakers to discuss how youth are included in society, democracy and politics, what works well, what does not and what are the challenges and compromises that people face. They discussed how MYAN works with young people, government and the community to build youth leadership, to promote the rights and interests of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, and to promote inclusive policy and practice.

COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout
Stakeholder Pack
COVID-19 Vaccines Multicultural Outreach - September 2021

Federal Department of Health: COVID-19 Vaccines Updates

The Australian Government has started rolling out COVID-19 vaccine booster doses to people who have completed their two-dose primary vaccination course at least 6 months ago.

It is important people know that 2 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine provides very good protection, especially against severe disease. A booster dose, 6 or more months after the second dose, will make sure that the protection from the first doses is even stronger and longer-lasting and should help prevent the spread of the virus.

Getting a booster dose is not mandatory, but it is recommended to maintain immunity against COVID-19. Individuals can find out how to book their booster dose at

The Department of Health continues to develop more translated information resources, so please check 
the Department of Health's in-language resource pages regularly.

Home use tests for COVID-19 

Home use tests for COVID-19 test a nasal swab sample or saliva for the presence of the virus that causes COVID-19. A home use test can be used by people in the home, workplace or elsewhere without the involvement of a doctor or health practitioner. Most home use tests produce a result within 10-20 minutes. The tests are most reliable when used by a person who has symptoms of COVID-19. They are not as reliable when used to test someone who does not have symptoms.

 IMPORTANT: Home use tests are not as accurate as the tests done in the laboratory (called PCR tests). It is important that:

 • if the home use test is POSITIVE you must go to a testing site to have a PCR test as soon as possible. This will confirm whether you have COVID-19. 

• if the home use test is NEGATIVE but you are unwell, you also need to go to a testing site to have a PCR test. This will confirm whether your symptoms are or are not COVID-19.

For more info see here.

Federal Department of Health Update for disabled

Vaccination services for people with disability, carers and workers: The Department of Health has updated its list of Commonwealth COVID-19 vaccination services for people with disability, family members and carers, and disability workers. They maintain a list of Commonwealth COVID-19 vaccination services for people with disability, family members and carers, and disability workers. Click here.

News from Young Leaders at MYAN
Sizol Fuyana (NT YAN) – NT young Person Australian of the Year 

A big congratulations to our NT YAN representative Sizol Fuyana for being awarded Northern Territories Young Australian of the Year.

Sizol is a Youth Advocate, and the founder and Managing Director of Fuyana Support, a youth-orientated consultancy firm that provides social and emotional wellbeing to young people, equipping them with skills to help them be more effective members of communities. She also works with youth at Don Dale Youth Detention Centre.

Sizol’s podcast, @therealitychange, is about personal growth and facing adversity. As the Chair of the 2021 Round Table, Sizol aims to make the government aware of key issues that are important to young people.

A law and psychology student who has volunteered for many working groups, Sizol recently received a Northern Territory Government Small Business Achievement Award.

Click here to watch the ceremony

Zahra Al Hilaly- 25 Rising Star Category for the ’40 under 40 Most Influential Asian-Australian Awards’
Western Australian YAN representative, Zahra Al Hilaly, has been awarded winner of the Under 25 Rising Star category for the 40 under 40 Most Influential Asian-Australia Awards.
Zahra is an intersectional feminist, pushing for equitable representation within decision making for marginalised constituencies, including women of colour and migrant and refugee women.
Zahra works within policy and advocacy at a local, national and international level. She currently represents Australia on UN Women’s Generation Equality Task Force, is a part of the World YWCA Women’s Leadership Cohort and sits on multiple advisory boards and round tables including the YWCA Australia Young Women’s Council and the WA Ministerial Council.
Zahra believes that storytelling is a profound value that will change the world, and it is the stories of underrepresented constituencies that will shift the narrative in creating an intergenerational ripple effect towards achieving gender equality.
Cindy Liu (co-chair of YCDC)- Brenda Gabe Leadership Nominee

The Brenda Gabe Leadership Award recognises and rewards the contribution women with disabilities have made, that is of direct benefit to women with disabilities, or to making a more inclusive community, in Victoria. 

 This year, Cindy Liu, co-chair of MYAN’s Youth CaLD Disability Collective (‘YCDC’)was a well deserved nominee for the award. 
 Cindy is a passionate youth advocate who has made a positive impact on the lives of others with disabilities in Victoria and nationally. Cindy’s passion about increasing mental health literacy, disability rights, diverse representation and the voices and concerns of young people in the space of intersectionality has led her to the following achievements: 

• Initiating, leading and co-chairing the Youth Disability CALD Collective

• A national youth-led panel

• Panellist for a national meeting with representatives from the Disability Royal Commission

• Working with the Disability Royal Commission for the purposes of a submission

Cindy currently co-chairs the Youth Disability CALD Collective which oversees a group of youth representatives across the country. Through this group, they have held an online webinar, met with the Disability Royal Commission and are currently working together to make a submission. 

Cindy has also done work with Headspace in increasing mental health literacy in the community, the Youth Disability Advocacy Service in advocating for disability rights and MYAN with diverse representation in the space of intersectionality.

What’s on in your state/territory?
Online training on the National Youth Settlement Framework

MYAN NSW ran an online training on the National Youth Settlement Framework during October. MYAN NSW Youth Ambassador, Natsuko Singh, co-facilitated the training and shared about her lived experience of migration and active citizenship.

Please contact Vanessa, for more information on Capacity building activities in NSW.

Advocate for more resettlement of refugees from Afghanistan

 MYAN NSW Youth Ambassadors (Reza, Naz, Tamana, Shainuca, Fibha) and Sydney Alliance met with Senator Tim Ayres to advocate for more resettlement of refugees from Afghanistan. This meeting was one out of many meetings with MPs led by the Sydney Alliance. Thank you to MYAN NSW Youth Projects Officer Izabella Antoniou for supporting young advocates! The particular asks included:

  • Match the Canadian additional intake of 20,000 refugees from Afghanistan
  • Offer permanent protection to refugees from Afghanistan and people seeking protection who are already in Australia.
  • Provide access to family reunification pathways for refugees and migrants from Afghanistan in Australia.

Afghan Youth gathering and Poetry and Music Night

MYAN NSW, STARTTS & Community Migrants Resource Centre ran two online events for Afghan youth. A night of poetry and music happened on Friday October 29th and featured the artists:

  • Bibi, Jawad & Mahdi from Dorr-e Dari
  • Naikbakht Wahidi, young poet and arthur
  • Zakir Hussein from the band Nayestaan
For more details watch the MYAN NSW facebook space.
Training and Opportunities
National Anti-Racism Framework call for submissions

MYAN is a member of the Multicultural Advisory Group which is helping to guide and inform  the National Anti-Racism Framework development. The Multicultural Advisory Group consists of members from a range of multicultural peak bodies and leading organisations, representing a diversity of organisations who undertake policy, advocacy and service provision to address racial discrimination and racism in Australia.

The Australian Human Rights Commission is currently inviting submissions to inform the development of a National Anti-Racism Framework. The Framework will be a long-term, central reference point to guide actions on anti-racism and equality by government, NGOs, business, communities, and other sectors. The Commission is very interested to hear from those with expertise and knowledge of anti-racism initiatives and in responding to racism at structural, institutional, and inter-personal levels.
Details here.
More news from the AHRC here.

University of New South Wales (UNSW) student scholarships

The University of New South Wales (UNSW) has opened up two scholarship opportunities for students from refugee and migrant backgrounds. One is the the Sanctuary Scholarship for People Seeking Asylum and Refugees with Temporary Protection which is established to support talented students who are asylum seekers or refugees on temporary visas with the opportunity to pursue tertiary education at UNSW. And the other one is Welcome Scholarship for Students from Refugee Backgrounds.

Students who are asylum seekers or refugees on temporary visas with a genuine interest and passion to undertake studies at UNSW are strongly encouraged to apply for this Scholarship.

More details on
 Sanctuary Scholarship for People Seeking Asylum and Refugees with Temporary  (Applications close 12 December 2021)
More details on Welcome Scholarship for Students from Refugee Backgrounds

Digital Youth Citizenship Project

This project aims to understand how young Australians think about and express their digital citizenship in secondary school classes and in their everyday digital and social media use. The research will help us better understand and improve the relationship between policy, learning material and young people’s online digital media use and practices.

  • Are you aged 13-16 years old and you use social media? 
  • Do you or your family have a migrant or refugee background? 

If YES, you can participate in the research about how young people use social and digital media, how young people connect with each other and the world around them and the issues that matter to them.  

Start by taking this short quiz and survey to find out what kind of digital citizen you are through the link below:

Youth Engagement Grants openSmall multicultural and Aboriginal clubs and community organisations are invited to apply for grants of up to $50,000 to support young people make positive life choices and reach their potential. The Youth Engagement Grants are an initiative under the Victorian Government’s Crime Prevention Strategy. The grants provide funding to support projects that use cultural connection, sport, arts, music or other creative activities to engage young people aged 8-24 years old. The program will involve an initial expression of interest (EOI) process, followed by support for selected organisations to plan activity and develop a quality grant proposal, which will be assessed for funding suitability. EOIs must be submitted online by 4pm on 13 December 2021.
Express you interest
The Volunteering Awards 2021

The Volunteering Awards 2021 recognise and celebrate the impact volunteers, volunteer leaders and volunteer programs have in building resilient communities, services and connections across Victoria. The annual Awards showcase excellence by individuals, teams and volunteers involving organisations, and are being run by Volunteering Victoria with the support of the Victorian State Government through the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH). The Volunteering Awards 2021 are a combination of the Premier’s Volunteer Champions Awards and the Volunteering Victoria State Awards. Volunteering Victoria is pleased to announce that nominations are now and run through to 14 January, 2022.

For more information and how to nominate visit Volunteering Awards 2021

2021 SOCA Annual General Meeting

The Settlement Council of Australia invites you to our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 24th November 2021, 3:30pm-5:00pm (AEDT). We will have a number of guest speakers joining us, and further details on the speakers will be provided in due course. This year’s AGM will be an online event.
Please register at the link below. We look forward to celebrating another year of achievement for the sector with you. For any questions or comments, please contact the SCoA National Office on (02) 6282 8515.

Register here
FECCA 2022 Conference: early bird registrations

FECCA 2022- Advancing Multicultural Australia conference, which ECCV is co-hosting in Melbourne on 10-11 March 2022. Early bird rates are open until 30 November 2021. Secure yours today! #FECCA2022 is the premier conference on multiculturalism and diversity & inclusion and will be the first opportunity for all of us to come together face-to-face after an enormously challenging period. The conference will host multicultural communities, policy makers, service providers, academics and many more, over two big days of interesting presentations, speakers and topics. We have received over 250 applications to speak and we expect well over 700 attendees in Melbourne next year. Like you, we miss our friends and colleagues and we look forward to seeing you at the conference in March 2022. Initial line-up of excellent speakers include Patricia Turner AM, Behrouz Boochani, Megan Davis, Kumi Taguchi, and Nyadol Nyuon

Register here
Australia Day 2022 Community Grants Program now open

 For Australia Day 2022 the National Australia Day Council (NADC) aims to support communities to hold an Australia Day event regardless of the changing nature of COVID restrictions. As Australia plots its path out of the pandemic, it is important that Australians have the opportunity to reflect, respect and celebrate and, more than ever, mark our nation’s resilience and the ability of Australians to rise to meet the challenges that COVID-19 has presented. 

The NADC, with the assistance of the Australian Government, is making available grants of between $10,000 - $20,000 (GST exclusive), for the purpose of assisting eligible event organisers to ensure Australia Day 2022 events proceed despite the social and economic difficulties that have been experienced as a result of COVID-19 (events must proceed in keeping with relevant COVID health directions); and up to an additional $10,000 (GST exclusive) where the event includes strong recognition of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

Applications close at 5:00pm AEDT 19 November 2021. 

For more information, see: Australia Day 2022 Community Grants - National Australia Day Council.

Photo: community and cultural groups joined the official Australia Day parade through central Melbourne in 2019.

One Young World 2022 Summit, May 2022

The One Young World 2022 Tokyo Summit will take place in May 2022, with over 2,000 young leaders from 190+ countries using the summit as a platform to demonstrate the increasing importance of young leaders and the value they create in the world today. This year's summit will be visited by delegates from influential political, business and humanitarian backgrounds such as Justin Trudeau, Paul Polman and Meghan Markle, amongst many other global figures.

 To participate, click here.

In the Media
Push for bold climate action in world’s major economies set to strengthen as public pressure mounts especially amongst young people

A major poll of public opinion on climate change in the G20 countries published by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the University of Oxford, shows how public support for climate action is set to strengthen in the near future as climate-aware teenagers become of voting age, enter the workforce, and move into positions of greater influence.

The new survey, called the G20 Peoples' Climate Vote’ polled over 689,000 people, including over 302,000 people under the age of 18, shows a growing majority across G20 countries see climate change as a crisis, with strongest demands for climate action amongst under-18s.
In all of the G20 countries surveyed, a majority of under-18s said they believed climate change is a global emergency, ranging from Argentina and Saudi Arabia (63%), to Italy and the UK (86%). In most countries, under-18s are more likely to believe this than adults, and often by large margins, such as Australia (eleven percentage points), the United States (ten points), and India (nine points).

Read the report here.
New settlement support package for recent arrivals from Afghanistan

The Government has announced new funding of $27.1 million over two years for a tailored Afghan settlement support package, to help recent evacuees from Afghanistan settle successfully into their new lives in Australia.

The Afghan settlement support package is informed by advice from the Government’s Advisory Panel on Australia’s Resettlement of Afghan Nationals. The Panel continues to play a critical role in advising the Government on its Afghan settlement response, and I am grateful for the advice this panel continues to provide.

This funding recognises Australia’s long involvement in, and commitment to, Afghanistan and its people, and the unique challenges and needs of those rescued from Kabul. It will provide effective support and care for new arrivals and set them up for successful settlement into the Australian community.

For more info see here.
Launch of the National Workforce Competencies for Settlement Practitioners

The National Workforce Competencies for Settlement Practitioners was launched on 3rd November with notable speakers across various organisations including MYAN, Department of Home Affairs, Foundation House, Multicultural Australia, Spectrum and Migration Council Australia

The National Workforce Competencies for Settlement Practitioners has been developed in consultation with SETSCoP (the Community of Practice bringing together 121 organisations that deliver the Settlement Engagement and Transition Support program), the broader settlement sector, settlement peak bodies, and Department of Home Affairs. The Workforce Competencies will support further professionalisation of the settlement workforce and will contribute to the establishment of competency-based practice, ethics and conduct, scope of practice, and evidence-based methodologies.

Read more
Australian Government's message to the Afghan Australian community

The Department of Home Affairs has published an updated message to the Afghan Australian community. Thank you to the Afghan community leaders who attended the recent community roundtables with the Hon. Alex Hawke MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs; and the Hon Jason Wood MP, Assistant Minister for Customs, Community Safety and Multicultural Affairs. The situation on the ground in Afghanistan remains unstable. The Australian Government understands the concerns you have for your family and friends in Afghanistan and acknowledges the tremendous distress that the on-going situation in Afghanistan will be causing you. The Department is receiving very high numbers of humanitarian visa applications and it is taking longer than normal for applications to be formally acknowledged and processed.
For more information, including the Government’s recently announced $27.1 million Afghan settlement package, see:
A message from the Department of Home Affairs to the Afghan Australian community.

MyAus App - now available in 9 languages!

The MyAus app is now live in 9 languages including: Dari, Hazaraghi, English, Arabic, Urdu, Turkish, (Traditional Chinese) Cantonese, (Simplified Chinese) Mandarin and Spanish.
The MyAus App provides the most comprehensive, multi-language, easy-to-use experience on mobile devices for finding information about settling in Australia. 
It includes simple search to find important information about settling here or travel within Australia, information on the Australian health care system, study and education, employment, Australian's unique environment and climate, staying safe, rules and regulations, information about accommodation and other topics.

To download the app, visit MyAus App


Speak up and make a complaint resources

The National Office for Child Safety (National Office) has a new set of translated resources available for the culturally and linguistically diverse young people, children and organisations working with them. The resources are:

The National Office engaged the Commissioner for Children and Young People Western Australia to develop resources to help children and young people understand their right to speak up when they feel unsafe, unhappy or unfairly treated. The Speak up resources come in a poster and leaflet form and have been translated into the following languages:
Chinese (simplified)
Chinese (traditional)
Italian (Italiano)
In brief, The Speak up poster and leaflet inform children on how to speak up, by breaking down the complaint process into three steps.

  1. (1) Find support – ask someone you trust to help you.
  2. (2) Tell your support person about your problem.
  3. (3) Make your complaint – you don’t have to do this by yourself. Your support person can be there to help you.

The translated resources can be viewed on, under ‘For children and young people’ or at under ‘Translated Resources’.


Translated National Principal’s Guide for parents and Carers
The National Principles, guide for parents and carers and introductory self-assessment tool for organisations are also translated into 10 additional languages and support organisations, parents and carers to understand and create child safe cultures and practices.

The translated resources can be found here.
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Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia)
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Carlton, VIC 3231
(03) 9340 3700

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