NYSF Panel Follow Up

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A great event!

Applying the National Youth Settlement Framework 
in Practice
On Wednesday, 23rd September more than 140 people joined MYAN's online panel to learn and discuss how they could apply the National Youth Settlement Framework in their practice with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

Moderated by Apjok Biar, the panel represented diverse settings and perspectives:
  • Karen McCulloch - Multicultural Futures WA
  • Jal David - Migrant Resource Centre TAS and Multicultural Youth TAS
  • Bonnie Gill - Melbourne Polytechnic Melbourne AMEP provider
  • Kenny Duke - Access Community Services Limited and MyQ
  • Nadine Liddy - MYAN Australia
The panel shared concrete examples of how they have used the Framework to support good practice with sporting clubs, mainstream youth services, TAFE, settlement services, health services, schools, in case-work and more. They highlighted the value of the Self-Assessment Tools for reflection, evaluation and planning, and how the Good Practice Capabilities are applied on the ground. See below for visual notes from the meeting highlighting the key messages.

The audience also shared their perspectives and feedback on the NYSF :

‘I think it's fantastic to review programs through the lens of the Framework and to include young people in the evaluation’

‘The NYSF is a great tool for team supervision. I often choose a situation or scenario that a team might typically face, and then use the Good Practice Capabilities to discuss the issues and challenges in the situation and practical ways of addressing these’

'To me it was like finding liquid gold when we found it and undertook the training... We used the four domains (in the NYSF) to inform the strategy and guide the project'

Watch the NYSF Panel recording
Summarised visual notes
National Youth Settlement Framework 2020 edition

The 2020 edition includes updated information, a new section on youth work in Australia, new good practice capabilities and revised tools/resources to support the application of the Framework in practice.

NYSF Training
To find out about NYSF training sessions in your state/territory contact:

Centre for Multicultural Youth Upcoming Online Sessions:
Part 1: Monday November 16    9.30am - 1pm
Part 2: Monday November 23    9.30am – 1pm
Book here
Monica Rivas
Access Community Services Limited 
Next training in QLD will be held on November 17th

Jal David
MRC Tasmania

New South Wales
Vanessa Chavez

For all other states and territories please contact:

We look forward to connecting with you again soon.

The MYAN team - Nadine, Shannon, Mehak and Andrew
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