Capability Building

We provide capability building for organisations and communities to better work alongside young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds. Find information, events and resources to support your work with them.

National Youth Settlement Framework

The National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF) 2020 edition remains Australia’s first and only evidence-based national guide to benchmark good practice with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds – and is the only one of its kind globally. With practical tools, including Self-Assessment Guides, and a range of supplementary resources the NYSF is designed to equip policymakers and service providers with the skills and knowledge to best support young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds to thrive in Australia.

Since its release in 2016, the NYSF has been utilised in practice across sectors, in policy and service delivery, and more than 1,500 people have participated in NYSF training, webinars, and workshops in Australia and New Zealand. MYAN has also presented on the NYSF globally. 

While the core of the NYSF remains unchanged, utilising Active Citizenship Domains and Indicators and Good Practice Capabilities, the 2020 edition includes updated and new content – including a section on youth work in Australia and 3 new Good Practice Capabilities.

How the sector is using the NYSF

Supplementary Resources

This diagram presents the four domains of Active Citizenship and Active Citizenship Indicator. These reflect the key areas of a young person’s life that need to be supported in order to achieve active citizenship. The indicators are designed to be used by service providers or programs to measure how a young person is ‘tracking’ in achieving active citizenship.

This illustrates the link between the NYSF Good Practice Capabilities and Active Citizenship Domains and Indicators: applying the good practice capabilities at the service delivery level and working across the four domains of active citizenship.
This illustrates the link between the NYSF Good Practice Capabilities and Active Citizenship Domains and Indicators: applying the good practice capabilities at the service delivery level and working across the four domains of active citizenship.
This illustrates the link between the NYSF Good Practice Capabilities and Active Citizenship Domains and Indicators: applying the good practice capabilities at the service delivery level and working across the four domains of active citizenship.
This illustrates the link between the NYSF Good Practice Capabilities and Active Citizenship Domains and Indicators: applying the good practice capabilities at the service delivery level and working across the four domains of active citizenship.
This illustrates the link between the NYSF Good Practice Capabilities and Active Citizenship Domains and Indicators: applying the good practice capabilities at the service delivery level and working across the four domains of active citizenship.
This illustrates the link between the NYSF Good Practice Capabilities and Active Citizenship Domains and Indicators: applying the good practice capabilities at the service delivery level and working across the four domains of active citizenship.
This illustrates the link between the NYSF Good Practice Capabilities and Active Citizenship Domains and Indicators: applying the good practice capabilities at the service delivery level and working across the four domains of active citizenship.

Training Sessions

MYAN will be supporting the implementation of the NYSF across Australia in the coming months through a range of online and face-to-face interactive training workshops.


No upcoming training sessions