“Welcome to our July 2023 newsletter!”

Can you believe we are already halfway through this year? Neither can we! Our team has been busy working on a number of exciting projects, and we’ve been out and about meeting young people and sector leaders across the country. We’re excited to update you on our news, so read on!

As always -thank you for your support!
The MYAN team



MYAN’s National Manager in Geneva for the Annual Tripartite Consultation on Resettlement (ATCR)

The Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR) event was held this June 2022 in Geneva. MYAN was represented at the event by our National Manager, Rana Ebrahimi. The ATCR allows for open and frank dialogue and strives to produce positive outcomes by forging collaborative approaches to global resettlement. The theme for this year’s ATCR was “The overarching theme for the ATCR 2023 is “Learning in crisis: Building solutions together” and was  chaired by the Government of Ireland, represented by the Irish Refugee Protection Programme (IRPP) in the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and co-chaired by Nasc Ireland.

MYAN presented on the theme “Addressing gaps and building on good practice” and spoke about lessons learned from Australia in implementing reception systems for those with diverse needs as well as barriers to integration faced by youth, intersectionality, and best practices for implementing solutions to ameliorate gaps in the system. Rana also presented key findings from MYAN’s recent “Counting Us In” report, on the settlement needs of LGBTQI+ youth.

MYAN is on the road!

Throughout June, MYAN has been on the road holding in-person youth consultations across the country to hear directly from young people about the issues they face, their ideas, and what they would like to share with the government. The consultations aim to provide a platform for youth voices to be heard and to inform policy decisions that impact them.

We’ve met with a diverse group of young people, sector and community organisations and staff from our partner organisations who have shared their thoughts and local perspectives on a whole range of topics, including cost of living and housing, educational transitions, critical gaps in youth services, wellbeing and belonging,

We will be hosting a national online youth consultation and a separate online national sector conference to meet with those who weren’t able to join us in person. An invite will be sent out later in July!



Episode 2 of MY Voice is out now: The Daily AUS and the Future of Australian Media

Hosted by our own amazing YAN member Nayonika, this episode is diving into @thedailyaus, a news outlet founded by two young entrepreneurs, Zara and Sam. They’re on a mission to offer quality journalism to younger audiences and foster healthy media habits. With over 365,000 subscribers and 85% of whom are under the age of 35, we look at how The Daily Aus is gaining the attention of a new generation of news consumers. Join us as we investigate the shifting face of journalism in Australia and how The Daily Aus is leading the way.

You can listen via the link below or find it in our bio, Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts and more!

Meet our inspiring alumni, Noor Azizah!

Noor is a 28 year old former Rohingya refugee. She resettled with her family in Sydney at the age of 8, after fleeing the persecution and genocide of Rohingya people in the Rakhine state of Myanmar. MYAN met Noor in 2019 through an event organised in her local community and she says she was drawn to MYAN’s commitment to addressing systemic issues, advocating for policy changes, and promoting diversity and cultural awareness. By getting involved with MYAN’s work, she saw an opportunity to contribute her skills, knowledge, and passion to support these important initiatives.

MYAN’s Youth Ambassadors present at the National Youth Enhances (YES) Symposium 2023

MYAN’s YAN representative from Queensland Darcy Ngabire joined MYAN National Manager Rana Ebrahimi to talk about about working with young people in a family context in regards to mental health.

Our amazing YCDC members, Iga and Mac were also present and spoke on a panel about intersectionality.




MYAN National Sector Conference: November 28th 2023

MYAN is excited to announce our National Sector Conference and invite you to save the date! Be prepared for inspiring key-note speakers, thought-provoking discussions, and engaging workshops alongside opportunities to network and make new connections, Register your interest here to receive exciting updates, including program schedule and conference details closer to the time.

MYAN at the 2023 Welcoming Australia Symposium

Our National Manager, Rana Ebrahimi attended the 2023 Welcoming Australia Symposium where MYAN was represented on a panel along with other incredible community leaders including Kara Keys from Yes23, Mel Morton from Footscray Hockey Club and Joelle Low from Reconcilliation Australia. The theme of the panel was “Over the fence: an invitation to generous conversations.” Rana spoke on the significance of promoting a collective responsibility to promote understanding and support to the national voice. You can find out more about the event and access the notes and talking points here.



The Australian Multicultural Foundation Carla Zampatti Scholarship for Young Women.

The Australian Multicultural Foundation is offering a Scholarship to the value of $10,000 to support a venture, project or activity that will help young women achieve their aspirations and goals. Find out more and apply here.

Parliament of Australia ‘My First Speech’ Competition

Your first speech is a great way to speak about issues you are passionate about. You could enter as an individual or get your whole school involved!

Winners will be invited to Canberra to deliver their speeches live and undertake a program of meetings at Parliament House.

Find out more and enter here.



Voting information for the Voice to Parliament is available in 45 different languages.

This year, Australians will be asked to vote in a Referendum. These resources have been developed to ensure that all Australians understand what they are voting for and how to vote.

Click here to find toolkits, videos and translated information for all Australians, no matter what your cultural background is.

Health Updates

The department of Health and Aged Care has released their June newsletter for CALD audience. This newsletter features the radio top-up booster campaign in 30 languages, information about monitoring COVID-19 symptoms, and answers to some common COVID-19 vaccine questions. You can also access the June Disability Provider Alert here.

Follow us on the MYAN Health Facebook page for more updates!

What more would you like to hear from MYAN?

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network Australia (MYAN)

304 Drummond Street, 3053, Carlton

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Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Mirdhula Yathra


Author: Kumari Pallavi Prajapati


Author : Rakshan


Author:  Trehan Sai


Author : Kyi Thitsar


Author:  Barnabee Diep-Dubois

Rank 2

Author: Joshua

Rank 1 

Author: Leidy Patiño
Rank: 9