Welcome to our September 2023 newsletter!

Our team has been growing and keeping busy in the past few months. We’re excited to share some updates and highlights, key developments on our projects and fill you in on all the cool things MYAN youth has been involved in. In this edition, we talk about MYAN National Multicultural Youth Consultation 2023, MYAN’s involvement in the Multicultural Framework Review, the Hands on Heart Uluru Dialogue Conference for the Voice and many more.

Checkout the contents to know more.

Thanks for supporting us!
The MYAN team



We are excited to introduce our new team members at MYAN!


Anna LigorioAnna Ligorio, Project Support Officer

Anna (she/her), is a migrant from Italy. She arrived in Australia in December 2022 with a working holiday visa to do an experience abroad after she finished her Master in Communication for International Relations in Milan. She joined MYAN team as a volunteer in March 2023 and now she started her job as Project Support Officer. She speaks Italian and English and she has a keen interest in international cooperation and human rights.


Fiona Maguire, Policy Officer

Fiona (she/her) brings with her extensive research and policy skills and experience. She has worked in the Commonwealth and State public service for many years, most recently at Victoria Police’s taskforce responding to the Yoorrook Justice Commission, and before that at the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (working in consumer protection). She is looking forward to applying her specialist expertise in behavioural science to support MYAN to advocate for effective policy reform and service design and delivery for young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.


Ricky Do, Event Coordinator

Ricky (he/him) joins MYAN as the event coordinator for our National Multicultural Youth Conference 2023. With over 10 years’ experience in event planning, he has worked for large arts festivals, conferences and community gatherings. Educated in Community Services, Communication Design and Live Production/Technical Services, he is excited to create opportunities for deep connection and curate a memorable event for attendees.

Registrations NOW OPEN for MYAN’s National Multicultural Youth Conference 2023 “Navigating Journeys, Empowering Voices”

MYAN is excited to host our 2023 National Multicultural Youth Conference “Navigating Journeys, Empowering Voices” in Canberra on 27th and 28th November 2023. Across the two days, it will bring together a diverse range of young people, service providers, and government and community leaders from across the country. Our conference is designed to create a platform for meaningful conversations and collaborative solutions to support the successful settlement and active participation of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

For more details of the program visit MYAN CONFERENCE WEBSITE



Young people for the Voice: meaningful collaboration paving the way for positive change

Young people for the Voice: meaningful collaboration paving the way for positive change

Image credit: The Uluru Dialogue

MYAN was honored to co-host the 3 day Hands on Heart Youth Voice National Conference with the Uluru Youth Dialogue, UNICEF Australia, and the Australian Youth Affairs Coalition. Under the inspiring leadership of Bridget Cama and Allira Davis who are co-chairs of the Uluru Youth Dialogue, and with the support of the the Uluru Youth Dialogue Ambassadors more than 100 young advocates from a range of diverse, multicultural and multi-faith backgrounds came together to learn about the upcoming Voice to Parliament referendum and achieve three key outcomes of education, activation and connection.

Read this piece from MYAN’s National Policy & Advocacy Lead Shannon White to learn more about this important event here.

The Multicultural Framework Review 

The Multicultural Framework Review Panel has partnered with MYAN for their youth consultations as part of the Multicultural Framework Review. Our young staff member Kate Yeung co-facilitated a roundtable discussions with key stakeholders that work closely with young people and a consultation session with young people. MYAN also facilitated an online session with young people all across Australia . Participants had valuable contributions to the conversations around multiculturalism in Australia. 

Great news – submissions’ deadline are extended to 13 October. Have your say!

MYAN will be making a submission which will be available on our website soon. For more information about the Review, head to the Home Affairs Website to find out more!


National Online Youth Consultation to develop a vision for a new refugee education migration pathway: the Refugee Student Settlement Pilot

The Refugee Education Special Interest Group, MYAN, the Australian federal government, Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia, and conducted an online consultation with young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds to Co-design the Refugee Student Settlement Program (RSSP). Associate Professor Sally Baker, introduced the Program, called it as “an inevitable step to migrant student settlement”. The consultation was attended by several youth who brought forth issues related to –  (i) accessing a program of study, (ii) transitioning into studies; (iii) engaging with educators and other students; (iv) seeking/ accessing support (e.g., academic language + literacies, scholarships, bursaries, financial, library, mental/ physical health, special consideration) and (v) transitioning out/ employability support. You can check out the presentation for more details about RSSP. More information about the Refugee Education Migration pathway will be released soon.

Follow our eventbrite page for more such events and opportunities.



DREAM Employment Network Launch

Cindy LiuAsh Hem

MYAN has collaborated with the amazing team at CYDA to develop the DREAM Employment Network. The DREAM Employment Network bridges the gap between young people with disabilities who want to engage in work, and forward-thinking employers who recognise that diversity fosters creativity, innovation, and success. The aim of the Network is to build leadership skills, inclusive employment pathways, and opportunities for leadership positions for young people with disabilities.

Cindy Liu and Ash Hem of MYAN’s Youth CaLD Disability Collective have been working with CYDA and other relevant stakeholders to launch this project and contributed to the projects design using their lived experience and expertise.

If you are a young person with a disability or an interested employer, you can find out more on CYDA’s website, and get involved!

MYAN’s youth consultation series

MYAN has wrapped up a series of consultations around Australia to understand what young people, and the sector organisations working with them are experiencing and feeling in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to ensure that our future advocacy priorities are aligned with what we are hearing on the ground ensuring that there is a specific youth focus in the delivery of settlement services.

Youth consultation plays a pivotal role in shaping policies, programs, and services that directly impact their lives.Through consultation, young people are given a voice to share their experiences and contribute to decisions that shape their future. It’s imperative that settlement services are responsive, and that young people have access to the support they need.

By involving young individuals in consultations and decision-making processes, policymakers can acknowledge their strengths, validate their experiences, and empower them to become active stakeholders in their new communities.

These consultations provide opportunities for more newly arrived young people to interact with peers from different backgrounds, fostering the exchange of ideas and promoting mutual respect. This process helps break down stereotypes and prejudices, ultimately creating a more inclusive and cohesive society.

Perth, WA
Gippsland, Melbourne metro, VIC
Armidale, NSW
Hobart, TAS
Canberra, ACT
Darwin, NT
Toowoomba and Brisbane, QLD
Adelaide, SA



Call for Action: Support LGBTIQ+ Refugees

Forcibly Displaced People Network (FDPN) has partnered with Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia (CRSA) to facilitate the community sponsorship of LGBTIQ+ refugees. LGBTIIQ+ individuals worldwide face persecution and discrimination based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex characteristics. Sponsoring a refugee involves offering support and assistance throughout their first year of the settlement process. By extending a helping hand, you play a vital role in providing a safe environment for LGBTIQ refugees to rebuild their lives.

Join their next community information session: Thursday 12 October 6PM AEST

EOI open for graduate career clinic for people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds

Deakin University’s Centre for Refugee Employment, Advocacy, Training, and Education (CREATE) and The Crescent Champions Club are thrilled to announce their upcoming graduate career clinic for people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds.  The program is open to all Tertiary students from a refugee or asylum seeking background. This program is dedicated to supporting individuals from refugee backgrounds. Through mentorship with Australian leaders, they are guided in career progression, work-life decisions, and open doors to invaluable networks.

Interested students and alumni who meet the eligibility criteria can express their interest at the following:Deakin CREATE_Crescent Champions MENTEE EOI



Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament: Accessible & in-language resources

It was announced that the Referendum will be held on the 14th of October. Access posters, infographics, factsheets and conversation guides on the Voice referendum in your language here.

For information available in a variety of languages and formats to help everyone understand enrolling and voting in Australia, visit the Australian Electoral Commission Website.

COVID-19 vaccination – Disability provider alert 4 August 2023

COVID-19 is still a serious threat to some Australians, including people with disability.
We know that vaccination is one of the best ways to protect against severe illness from COVID-19. There are still many opportunities to increase vaccination rates in disability populations. Click on the link to learn more about:

– Easy Read resources about COVID-19 vaccination,
-The National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance’s practical guide to support people who may experience difficulties during vaccination,
-Vaccination for people with disability in residential accommodation setting,
-COVID-19 oral treatments for people with swallowing difficulties,
-Disability Worker COVID-19 Leave Grant,
-Support for people with disability, providers, carers, and families and more

The latest advice and other information from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) can be found here. Follow us on the MYAN Health Facebook page for more updates!

COVID-19 Community resources

Check out these free COVID-19 Community Resources from the “Strengthening Immunity in Community,” initiative. A collaborative public health campaign co-created with LEXIGO, communities and the Department of Health and Aged Care, the material is tailored to address the specific needs of hard-to-reach and underserved communities, this resource focuses on vital COVID-19 information around vaccination, treatment, protection, support and safety. Learn more about this invaluable resource for your community here.

What more would you like to hear from MYAN?

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network Australia (MYAN)

304 Drummond Street, 3053, Carlton

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Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Mirdhula Yathra


Author: Kumari Pallavi Prajapati


Author : Rakshan


Author:  Trehan Sai


Author : Kyi Thitsar


Author:  Barnabee Diep-Dubois

Rank 2

Author: Joshua

Rank 1 

Author: Leidy Patiño
Rank: 9