Covid Project 2021-2022

March 2021

  • First roundtable was held

June 2021

  • Planning the project
  • Recruitment of YRG members
  • Second roundtable was conducted

July 2021

  • State consultations were advertised.
  • State consultations were conducted in NSW

August 2021

  • State consultations conducted in VIC
  • Third roundtable was conducted with the international students.

September 2021

  • State consultations conducted in ACT, TAS, NSW, QLD and VIC
  • Planning and execution of the #whatsyourwhy campaign- positive stories

October 2021

  • State consultation conducted in SA
  • Planning the mythbuster videos
  • Third roundtable was conducted

November 2021

  • Script ready for the mythbuster videos
  • Planning for execution of the mythbuster videos.

December 2021

  • Planning the creative art contest and call out were released.
  • Dates booked with the health professionals regarding recording of the mythbuster videos

January 2022

  • Recorded the myth buster video with the doctor.
  • Planning the next step with communicating about Booster doses to the citizens.
  • Send out invitations for national consultations on COVID-19 lived experience with vaccines.
  • Planning vaccine consultations in NT and WA with our state partners

February 2022

  • Send out invitations/ads for Booster dose consultations
  • Designing myth buster social tiles..
  • Conducted national consultations on COVID-19 lived experience with vaccines.
  • Vaccine consultations in WA conducted by our state partner

March 2022

  • Booster dose Consultation in VIC and ACT and NSW.
  • Vaccine consultations in NT conducted by our state partner

April 2022

  • Art competition was launched
  • Art works received
  • Participants were sent the notifications
  • Send out invitations and ads for the booster dose consultations

May 2022

  • Booster dose Consultation in South Australia, Queensland and Tasmania.
  • Published mythbuster social tiles
  • Certificates and gift cards were sent out.

June 2022

  • Report writing, booster dose consultation planning in WA and NT.
  • Planning the next stages which includes various co design techniques to communicate with members of CALD communities.
  • Planning another roundtable

July 2022

  • Onboarding of New YRG members and strategizing the COVID-19 plan until December 2022

August 2022

  • Survey on Youth views on COVID-19 vaccinations and information Pathways. Received approximately 300 responses.

September 2022

  • The first sector consultation on identifying the barriers and solutions that the multicultural communities faced while communicating and campaigning about the vaccine and booster.

October 2022

  • Planning the roundtable and online campaigns that could help propagate the message on COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Social media takeover by the YRG members to promote vaccine and booster intake.

November 2022

  • Organized and conducted consultation cum information session with youth from Afghan and youth communities
  • Launched the #strongtogether to inform parents about Vaccine intake and communication.

December 2022

  • Consultation cum information session with young person with disabilities to identify issues that hinder vaccine and booster uptakes.
  • Interviewed and videod an Arabic youth doctor to help inform the Arabic communities about the vaccine intake
  • Launched another creative contest for the young and youth to promote vaccine and booster related information.




Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Mirdhula Yathra


Author: Kumari Pallavi Prajapati


Author : Rakshan


Author:  Trehan Sai


Author : Kyi Thitsar


Author:  Barnabee Diep-Dubois

Rank 2

Author: Joshua

Rank 1 

Author: Leidy Patiño
Rank: 9