Welcome to our Februry 2024 newsletter!

Welcome to our first newsletter for 2024!

It’s been a busy start to 2024 for the MYAN team!  And we are looking forward to sharing all the exciting things that have kept us busy these past months.

Read on to find out more about our work at The Consultations on Refugee Resettlement (CRCP), access our latest national data snapshot, find out about upcoming events and to find out how you can join our Youth Advisory Group and much more!

As always – thank you for your support.
The MYAN team



MYAN Youth at the Consultation on Resettlement and Complementary Pathways.

CRCP (formerly known as the Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement, or ATCR)

As part of the 2024 Consultation on Resettlement and Complementary Pathways (CRCP), MYAN was invited to host a site visit on youth settlement in Australia. The CRCP (formerly known as the Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement, or ATCR) is the most important multilateral forum for UNHCR, States, NGOs, private sector representatives, academics and refugees to come together to discuss and advance resettlement issues of common interest.

In 2023, Australia took over from Ireland as the country chair of the CRCP. The Government of Australia, represented by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), is the State Chair and the Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) is the NGO Co-Chair.

MYAN’s site visit showcased a dynamic day filled with informative panels, thought-provoking discussions, and the inspiring stories of young people, who shared their experiences with youth settlement in Australia, emphasised the significant impact of programs delivered by MYAN partners across various states and territories. Noteworthy programs highlighted included Shout Out, UCAN2 and Seat at the Table programs from the Centre for Multicultural Youth, the Peer2peer program from MYAN NSW and the Reconnect Program from Melaleuca Australia.

The site visit provided a platform to underscore the importance of a targeted approach to youth settlement, recognising the distinct needs of young individuals from migrant and refugee backgrounds.

Attendees from Australia and an array of international delegations from countries such as Aotearoa New Zealand, Brazil, the United States of America, Ireland, Norway, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Canada gathered to exchange insights and best practices in supporting youth settlement efforts. This collaborative event served as a valuable opportunity to promote awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by young migrants and refugees, and to foster global cooperation in addressing their needs effectively.

bility, Settlement and Integration panel Grace Edward – YCDC Co-Chair, Rana Ebrahimi – MYAN National Manager, Daniel Gamboa – CEO of New Zealand National Refugee Council, Bellamore Ndayikeze – Refugee Advocate and Seat at the Table Graduate.

MYAN had a strong presence during the CRCP plenary sessions, with various representatives taking the stage alongside notable advocates. Rana Ebrahimi, MYAN’s National Manager, shared the platform with youth advocate Daniel Gambao and Grace Edward, co-chair of the Youth CALD Disability Collective (YCDC) for a panel on Disability, Settlement and Integration. The discussions covered a range of topics including programs and initiatives for those with complex health needs and the importance of incorporating refugee youth voices in governance structures. Bellamore Ndayikeze from Perth WA highlighted the significance of building responsive and inclusive service systems for young people during the panel sessions.

MYAN is grateful to Refugee Council of Australia, Australian Department of Home Affairs, and UNHCR for their support and MYAN would like to express gratitude to the panelists including Aisha Mahdi, Mamuch Chuol, Sohaila Rahimi, Jamila Alarkan, Afia Azam, Farah Askar, Bellamore Ndayikeze, and Lal Ro Chan, as well as our NSW partner MYAN NSW for contributing to the success of the event. Collaboration with our partners Melaleuca Australia, Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania, Centre for Multicultural Youth, Multicultural Youth Queensland (SSI), Youth Affairs Council of WA also played a significant role in organising this impactful event.

- Sohaila Rahimi, CRCP Youth Settlement Panelist and UCAN2 recipient.

“It felt really empowering to be there as a young person speaking to decision-makers…to know that our lived experience is valued and considered as expertise to impact future projects and programs”
– Sohaila Rahimi, CRCP Youth Settlement Panelist and UCAN2 recipient.



International Women Day: Celebrating Women at MYAN

Celebrating young women leaders this International Women’s Day! MYAN proudly stands with the 2024 theme: Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress. We believe in the transformative impact of women’s economic empowerment – when women thrive, communities flourish! Today, we’re shining a spotlight on three incredible young women who recently shared their voices at the CRCP as part of the Youth Settlement Site Visit to talk about their experience of Seat at The Table. This initiative is vital in empowering underrepresented women in governance roles, equipping them with the skills and support to lead.

Celebrating young women leaders this International Women's Day!

Meet Farah: Farah is a Peer Worker at the Hobart Migrant Resource Centre. She served as a youth trainee for Seat at the Table in 2023, contributing to the coordination of a leadership immersion program addressing the under-representation of young women from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Her commitment to advocacy stems from her personal experiences as a young refugee, fuelling her understanding of the challenges faced by many in their journey to a new country.

Meet Jamila: Jamila experienced the war for 7 years back in Syria, and came to to Australia almost 5 years ago. She was able to secure her dream job in Melbourne as a Mechanical Engineer and build her confidence and experience to give back to society and has been part of the Seat at the Table program. Since then Jamila has supported the Helping Hands Workshops where helps refugees from Engineering backgrounds to get their foot through the door to gain local experience.

Meet Bellamore: Bellamore’s journey began during the Burundi war, she spent her life in Refugee camps, migrating to Australia much later, Bellamore is a tireless advocate young people who are refugees and struggling with settlement in Australia, at Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Services and completed the Seat at the Table leadership and governance program in 2023, after which she was invited to join as a member with the Consumer Credit Legal Service Board. Bellamore is a gifted public speaker and uses her story to advocate for change.


The MYAN team bids farewell to our Communication and Engagement Advisor, Dr Ali Saha

Ali is embarking on new adventures beyond the MYAN family. Dr. Ali Saha, our Communication and Engagement Advisor, has been an integral part of the MYAN team and has made numerous contributions to MYAN’s overall communication’s strategy. She has been instrumental in leading MYAN’s health projects. Her dedication and efforts has left an indelible mark on our team and she will be missed! It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye and wish her all the best in her future endeavours.


Welcome Ellysa to the MYAN team

Meet Ellysa, MYAN’s new Project Support Officer. By day, she serenades wedding celebrations with her enchanting performances, driven by a deep love for love itself. Beyond the melodies, Ellysa, a queer Muslim, joins MYAN with a passion to create safe spaces for youth advocacy. Having experienced the challenges firsthand, she’s committed to fostering inclusivity and empowerment for all. The MYAN team is excited to have her on board!



National Data Snapshot-Youth Settlement 2022-23

MYAN’s national data snapshot provides an overview of young people aged 12-24 who have arrived in Australia through family, skilled and humanitarian program streams from July 2022 to June 2023. The snapshot is based on data from the Department of Home Affairs.

Key points include:

  • In 2022-23, the number of young people who settled in Australia reverted to levels comparable to those seen before the COVID-19 pandemic, with 14,757 youth arrivals.
    25% of young people who arrived in Australia in 2022-23 were humanitarian entrants.
  • The top three countries of birth for young people arriving Australia through the Humanitarian Program in 2022-23 were Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Syrian Arab Republic.
  • From all the migration streams in 2022-23.61% of young people continue to settle the largest numbers of young people – New South Wales and Victoria


New Report: Navigating Youth Settlement in Australia

MYAN’s 2023 national consultations provide an essential foundation for the development of effective policies, services, and outcomes for these young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, particularly in the context of the post-COVID-19 pandemic era. This Navigating Youth Settlement in Australia: Challenges and Opportunities report highlights some of the key settlement challenges faced by the young people and settlement sector advocates we engaged with, as well as some of their ideas for solutions. We share the report to fuel the ongoing development of relevant policy, service improvement and program design: to be effective and fit-for-purpose to meet the real experiences and needs of young people and to maximise their potential.


Join MYAN’s Health Youth Advisory Group

Are you a young person from migrant or refugee background and do you want to have a say in your community’s health outcomes?

Register now to be a member of the MYAN Youth Advisory Group (YAG) 2024 to contribute to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities’ Preventive Health Communications and Engagement. MYAN is looking to recruit 1-2 CALD young representative from each state within Australia who will advise, support and contribute to the health-related projects and campaigns. The health-related campaign can include projects such as COVID-19 vaccine communication and raising awareness of Cancer screening among members of CALD Communities.

What is a Youth Advisory group? If you have any question or need support for your application, email myanprojects@gmail.com with your query.


Online Drop-In Session: Come Chat to Us!

Join the Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN) for our exciting new initiative – weekly drop-in sessions designed especially for young people like you! These informal online gatherings provide a unique opportunity for individuals from migrant, refugee, and international student backgrounds to have their voices heard and help shape MYAN’s national advocacy work.

As a national peak body, it’s critical that MYAN understands the challenges and perspectives of young people from all across Australia. By participating in these sessions, you can engage with MYAN staff and fellow young people to share your ideas, discuss pressing issues, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Mark your calendars for the first 3 Wednesdays of the month from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm AEST with each session focusing on specific groups – young people from refugee backgrounds, young people from migrant backgrounds, and international students. The first drop in session will be held on Wednesday March 13th 2024.

Register below and don’t miss this chance to make a difference and be part of a supportive community dedicated to advocating for multicultural youth.

For any questions about the above, please get in touch at myanprojects@myan.org.au


The ATO Graduate Program: Applications Open Soon.

Applications for the 2025 ATO Graduate Program open on March 4th and close on April 11th. The ATO encourages graduates from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds to apply for their award-winning graduate program. With a Gold level status in the Australian Workplace Equality Index, the ATO is committed to supporting diversity and providing a safe working environment.

The 2025 graduate intake is open to graduates who have completed their degree within the last five years, as well as for grads if 2024 is their final year of study.

Successful applicants will undertake meaningful work that makes a big impact on the lives of all Australians, from combatting crime and fraud to protecting the data of millions of people. Graduates will receive the support, training and guidance they need to build a successful career as part of a diverse and inclusive workplace of almost 20,000 employees.


COVID-19 vaccine information now on Healthdirect website

Need help finding COVID-19 vaccine related service? Check out Service finder which will redirect to the Healthdirect website for easy COVID-19 vaccine bookings, key information on long COVID, symptoms, and available vaccines in Australia under the COVID-19 tab.

To learn more about the consultation and the findings contact Dr Ali Saha, Communication and Engagement Officer at asaha@myan.org.au

The Third Annual Australian Youth Barometer Report Released

The 2023 Australian Youth Barometer sheds light on the evolving challenges faced by young Australians. Amid ongoing pandemic concerns, emerging issues include the rise of the gig economy, mental health struggles and the harsh reality of unaffordable housing.
This year, the methodology closely mirrors that of 2022, revealing a consistent trend in precarious youth labour markets. The report also underscores alarming trends in school refusal, incomplete education, and post-school declines in further education and training, emphasising the enduring significance of education for young people’s futures.

It also highlights the urgent need for amplifying youth voices, understanding evolving civic participation, and addressing housing insecurity, while acknowledging the ambivalence of young people towards social media’s potential for social change. The findings provide a vital snapshot of the challenges and opportunities young Australians navigate in this ever-changing world.

What more would you like to hear from MYAN?

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network Australia (MYAN)

304 Drummond Street, 3053, Carlton

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Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Mirdhula Yathra


Author: Kumari Pallavi Prajapati


Author : Rakshan


Author:  Trehan Sai


Author : Kyi Thitsar


Author:  Barnabee Diep-Dubois

Rank 2

Author: Joshua

Rank 1 

Author: Leidy Patiño
Rank: 9