“Counting us in”

MYAN releases national survey on the settlement experiences of young LGBTQI+ people from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds living in Australia

MYAN is excited to announce the launch of our national survey on the settlement experiences of LGBTQI+ young adults from refugee & asylum seeker backgrounds living in Australia!

­­This survey is for LGBTQI+ people aged 18-30 who arrived in Australia as a person seeking asylum or as a refugee.

We invite you to participate in this survey, or share with interested individuals and organisations.

About the survey:
MYAN is conducting research on the settlement experiences of LGBTQI+ people aged 18-30 from refugee and asylum seeker-backgrounds living in Australia. We seek to understand what particular challenges are faced by this group when accessing settlement support services to contribute to an improved national evidence base and ensure their unique voices are heard within broader conversations about settlement.

This survey is one of the research activities MYAN is undertaking to address the gap in the current research in this area. We plan to use the findings from this survey to publish a research report that highlights this important data and makes service improvement recommendations to service providers and key decision makers. Findings from this survey will be included in a report that will be published later in 2022.

All responses are anonymous.

Click below for the survey.

Survey closes October 4th, 2022

This survey is made possible by generous support from the Sydney Myer Foundation and Australian Pride Foundation.

MYAN would like to acknowledge that some questions in this survey were provided by the Forcibly Displaced People Network, Australia’s first registered LGBTIQ+ refugee-led organisation. Those questions are from the FDPN National Survey on the settlement experiences of LGBTIQ+ refugees and migrants. We plan to compare the data on LGBTIQ+ refugee youth from our survey with the general LGBTIQ+ refugee populations.

For more information please contact myanprojects@myan.org.au

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network Australia (MYAN)

304 Drummond Street, 3053, Carlton

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