22 March 2021


MYAN backs the launch of the National Anti-Racism Framework plan


Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network Australia (MYAN) is in full support of the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) plan to launch a National Anti-Racism Framework and are pleased that Government is supporting this.

Earlier this week Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner Chin Tan announced the plan to develop a National Anti-Racism Framework and aims to work in partnership with all sectors of Australian society through a coordinated effort. MYAN has been calling for a national anti-racism strategy for some time – as critical guidance for supporting and resourcing coordinated action to address racism and discrimination and strengthen a socially cohesive Australia.

MYAN Chair, Carmel Guerra, said, “A National Anti-Racism framework will create the conditions for a healthy and productive society and a stronger sense of safety and inclusion for everyone.”

“The impacts of COVID-19 have highlighted the systemic racism and discrimination that is still prevalent with far-reaching implications for all Australians. This is particularly the case for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.”

“We know that racism threatens the personal and cultural identity of young people, damages social cohesion, and causes detrimental impacts on mental health.”

MYAN National Manager, Nadine Liddy, said, “A safe and welcoming community is essential to the positive settlement outcomes for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds and the National Anti-Racism Framework will play a critical role.”

“Meaningful and effective approaches to addressing racism need to have a focus on engaging and supporting young people to develop and deliver anti-racism initiatives. We all need to work harder to address this, listen to young people with lived experiences and support them to lead change in their communities.”

MYAN also welcomes the announcement from Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Alex Hawke, supporting the National Anti-Racism Framework plan, and the development of a new Social Cohesion Strategy. MYAN commends the Government’s commitment to continue building on existing successful arrangements, in order to ensure Australia remains the most successful multicultural country in the world.

MYAN looks forward to working with Government in developing the National Anti-Racism Framework and the Social Cohesion Strategy.


Media Enquiries: Nadine Liddy, National Manager, MYAN Australia

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