Counting us in: MYAN report on the settlement experiences of LGBTQI+ refugee & asylum seeker young adults

MYAN releases the latest research report “Counting us in: MYAN report on the settlement experiences of LGBTQI+ refugee & asylum seeker young adults.”

With generous support from the Sidney Myer Fund and Pride Foundation Australia, MYAN recently undertook national research in an effort to capture the settlement experiences of young LGBTQI+ asylum seekers and refugees living in Australia.

The report on our findings is intended to provide insights into how LGBTQI+ refugee and asylum seeker young adults (18-30) arriving in Australia are faring in their settlement journey, including good practice and gaps in support. It provides a summary of key findings from a national sector consultation and individual interviews with LGBTQI+ refugee and asylum seeker young adults and service providers.

The report is further informed by available literature on LGBTQI+ young adults settling in Australia and identifies several measures for MYAN, the federal government and the youth, LGBTQI+ and settlement sectors to consider in improving responses that address the complex needs of LGBTQI+ refugee and asylum seeker young adults, to improve their overall wellbeing and settlement experiences.

MYAN Chair, Carmel Guerra OAM: “As the Australian peak body for migrant and refugee youth, an important part of our work involves capturing the diverse settlement experiences of young people arriving in Australia, and making recommendations for service improvements and more responsive program design”.

“We hope this report is useful for fellow researchers, policy makers (including the Department of Home Affairs) and LGBTQI+ and youth organisations across Australia, and we are committed to working alongside young people and our colleagues in these spaces to continue this important work,” adds Rana Ebrahimi, MYAN’s National Manager.

Read the report here


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