1. Who is Mostafa Karimi? I am 19 years old from Afghan Hazara ethnicity background, living in Tasmania. I am currently studying a Diploma of University Studies in science specialisation at the University of Tasmania. Travel, swimming and camping are some of my hobbies.

2. What sparks a fire in you, and why? I deeply care about the lives of young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds and I know how challenging it is to settle in a new country as I have experienced it myself. I am passionate about settlement and youth participation because I believe getting young people to participate and be involved in multicultural activities can help them to make friends and settle in Australia more easily.

3. What do you consider your greatest achievement to date? I was able to gather a group of young people and create a youth advisory group called Afghan Youth Association Network (AYAN) that organises and delivers different activities and programs for the young people in our communities.

4. Who is your hero and why? My parents are my heroes, they have experienced a lot of difficulties and challenges throughout their lives back in Afghanistan in the midst of wars. Even when they sought refuge in Iran they experienced a lot of racism and worked really hard to raise me and my siblings.

5. What is your most treasured possession? My parents and my friends because they give me the courage and support I need.

6. Why did you apply to be the MYAN YAN representative for WA? I am passionate in advocating for issues that young people from migrant backgrounds are facing. Becoming in the YAN gives me an opportunity to become a representative for young people in Tasmania and to be their voice.

7. What skills and talents are you bringing to the YAN 2020? As a young Afghan community member in Tasmania, I have a very close relationship with young people in my community and can be a voice for them. Also, I have public speaking experience and I am confident in delivering speeches.

8. What are you hoping to achieve in 2020 as YAN’s TAS representative? I hope that I can represent the voices of young people in Tasmania and find solutions for their challenges.

9. What advice do you have for young people wanting to make a difference in the world? To make a difference in the world we should start from our communities. For the first step, we have to make a positive change in the lives of the young people in our communities.

10. How can young people get involved in the work you do? Young people can express their interest in the work of AYAN by talking to the members and they can participate in any programs and activities organised by the AYAN.


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