FUSE 2014 - Workshops

Day 1

Pitch Perfect (Andrew Cummings, MYAN NSW)
This workshop explored the various elements that contribute to a quality presentation. Participants were encouraged to think about the effective communicators they know, explore the factors that help them get their messages across, and consider how to apply those same principles for their own presentations.

Strengths and Self-Care (Marida Roux, MYAN QLD & Melissa Honey, Multicultural Youth NT)
This workshop explored how young people can use their strengths to be community leaders today, tomorrow and long in to the future. It looked at the rewards and the barriers to being a community leader, and practical strategies for taking taking care of ourselves in the long-term.

Leadership in a multicultural society (Alice Gomez & Tizita Yohannes, Centre for Multicultural Youth)
What makes you a leader? This workshop explored concepts of “leadership” and in what ways participants identify as leaders. As well as understanding some common leadership styles, the impact of cultural identity and values on practicing leadership in different contexts was explored. 

Networks and relationships (Alice Gomez & Tizita Yohannes, Centre for Multicultural Youth)
Who do you know, and who do you want to know? This workshop provided the space for reflecting on the value of recognising and utilising existing networks, as well as identifying new connections made through the FUSE Summit. Key tips for effective communication in maintaining good working relationships with others was also explored.

Students Against Racism (SAR) – using stories to build understanding (Gini Ennals & SAR participants)
SAR was established in 2008 to give a voice to CALD students in Hobart who had arrived as refugees. In this session participants learnt about the process for setting up a SAR group and the value of advocating for change through storytelling; how to involve your audience and; concrete activities that participants’ can undertake upon return to their home state/territory. The session focussed on activities from the ‘Living in Between’ workshop, a SAR workshop designed to build cultural understanding, explore the refugee and settlement experience, and discuss the main issues faced by CALD young people. 

Advocacy: creating change (Kenneth Kadirgamar & Sarah Tam-Perez, Multicultural Youth NT)
This workshop was designed to inform and inspire FUSE delegates about change and advocacy concepts and activities. It explored key aspects of ‘change making’ theory, the scope of advocacy activities, barriers to engaging in advocacy and, some strategies to address these


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Mirdhula Yathra


Author: Kumari Pallavi Prajapati


Author : Rakshan


Author:  Trehan Sai


Author : Kyi Thitsar


Author:  Barnabee Diep-Dubois

Rank 2

Author: Joshua

Rank 1 

Author: Leidy Patiño
Rank: 9