View all of MYAN’s social media posts and events.

MYAN hosts regular online national meetings and youth-led panel events as part of our policy, advocacy, youth leadership and sector capacity building work.

These meetings bring together critical perspectives in policy and practice with and for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds across Australia – settlement and youth service providers, young people, academics, policy makers, government and civil society.

They are important opportunities for national and cross-sector collaboration, sharing research initiatives and good practice, highlighting issues of concern and gaps in policy and service delivery and listening to the voices of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds in Australia.



MYAN National Sector Meeting on the Settlement Experiences of  LGBTQI+ asylum seeker youth in Australia
Thursday 7th July 2022

MYAN is hosting a national consultation on 7th July 2022 to hear from the youth, settlement, and LGBTQI+ sector about settlement service gaps and challenges for LGBTQI+ asylum seeker youth in Australia. The consultation is aimed to learn about the various experiences working with LGBTQI+ asylum seeker youth, their barriers to accessing key services, and recommendations about how services can be improved to ensure that their unique needs are being met.

MYAN’s health literacy consultations with Arabic speaking youth- MYAN in collaboration with Fecca and Sax Institute
June 2022

MYAN’s health literacy consultations with Arabic speaking youth- MYAN in collaboration with Fecca and Sax Institute conducted community consultations in June 2022 among Arabic speaking youth (18 to 30 years old) in Australia. the consultation was aimed to collect information that would be important to framing the National Health Literacy Strategy. More than 38 youth came together to discuss health literacy, and identify the gaps in the community specific health services within Australia. More details will be shared soon.

4th and 5th December 2021

MYAN FUSE 2021: Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network Australia (MYAN), its team of Youth Ambassadors, and 50 emerging young leaders from refugee and migrant backgrounds across Australia met with advocates, politicians, and peers at FUSE Summit 2021 on 4th and 5th December. FUSE is Australia’s only national multicultural youth leadership summit bringing together young people who share a passion for advocacy, leadership, and positive social change. This year, the event was launched by the Honourable Minister Alex Hawke, the Minister of Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services, and Multicultural Affairs.

Click here to read more

Culturally and linguistically diverse communities COVID-19 vaccine round table with international students
1st October 2021

On 1st October 2021 the National COVID Vaccine Taskforce, in partnership with the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) and MYAN held a roundtable with international students and representatives from international education providers across Australia. The purpose of the roundtable was to ensure international students currently in Australia, as well as the organisations and services supporting them, have access to the information they need to promote and encourage COVID-19 vaccination uptake.

Read the full report here

COVID-19 and vaccine consultations

COVID-19 and vaccine consultations- MYAN in collaboration with the Australian Department of Health conducted multiple consultations among the young people in Australia to help the government with COVID-19 vaccine and booster rollout for the multicultural communities. The consultations helped identify various barriers and solutions related to vaccine intake.

Launch of MYAN/Deloitte Access report
Tuesday 17th August, 1.30-3.00pm 2021

MYAN invites you to the launch of the COVID-19 and Young Migrants – Impact and Solutions report, that provides economic analysis on employment data specific to young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

Intersectionality in Mental Health – What makes us different

MYAN held a National Panel on Monday 12 July 2021 led by young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds who explored mental health through their lived experience as cultural navigators and educators.

Watch the recording here

National Meeting on Employment and Job Security

On Wednesday 10th March over 50 people from the youth, employment, and settlement sectors across Australia joined MYAN online for our first national sector meeting for 2021 – a consultation on Employment and Job Security.

There were some incredibly valuable insights shared on how COVID-19 is impacting insecure and precarious employment for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

Event Summary

Cultural Identity and Disability: Diverse Perspectives from Young People

Monday 30th November 2020

MYAN held a National Youth-led Panel on Monday 30 November 12:00 pm – 1:45 pm AEDST led by young people from diverse cultural backgrounds with lived experience of disability

Cindy, Grace, Markos, Varsha and Ash will be sharing their perspectives on cultural identity and disability as young people.

This panel was initiated and led by young people from CALD backgrounds with lived experience of disability.

Visual Notes | Written Notes

National Education Panel

Wednesday 4th November 2020

MYAN hosted a national panel to put a national spotlight on education for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

The panel explored how these educational challenges are being addressed across Australia in policy and programming, in and outside the classroom.’

Briefing Paper

National Meeting – Young People arriving through Women at Risk VISA

28 October 2020

Understanding the settlement context and needs of young people (12-24) arriving in Australia under the 204 Visa (Women at Risk) program.


National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF) Panel – Applying the NYSF in Practice

23 September 2020

Discussion with the sector on applying the NYSF in their practice with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

Visual Summary | Text Summary | National Youth Settlement Framework 2020 ed.

National Meeting on Disability

11 August 2020

Exploring the experiences and policy/service system gaps for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds with disabilities and co-hosted by the National Ethnic Disability Alliance.

Visual Summary | Written Summary

National Youth Panel on COVID-19: exploring the new normal

21 July 2020

Hear directly from young people about their challenges and solutions to COVID-19, exploring the ‘new normal.’

Event Recap

Launch Event: National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF) 2020 ed.

1 July 2020

Launch of MYAN’s newly revised NYSF 2020 edition with Alison Larkins, Commonwealth Coordinator-General of Migrant Services and a panel of speakers, including young people and sector representatives

National Youth Settlement Framework 2020 ed.


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Mirdhula Yathra


Author: Kumari Pallavi Prajapati


Author : Rakshan


Author:  Trehan Sai


Author : Kyi Thitsar


Author:  Barnabee Diep-Dubois

Rank 2

Author: Joshua

Rank 1 

Author: Leidy Patiño
Rank: 9