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Find information, events and resources to support your work with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

MYAN’s 2023 national consultations provide an essential foundation for the development of effective policies, services, and outcomes for these young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, particularly in the context of the post-COVID-19 pandemic era.

This report highlights some of the key settlement challenges faced by the young people and settlement sector advocates we engaged with, as well as some of their ideas for solutions. We share the report to fuel the

ongoing development of relevant policy, service improvement and program design: to be effective and fit-for-purpose to meet the real experiences and needs of young people and to maximise their potential.

Who we consulted: 100 young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds, including international students. 90 people working across the settlement, migrant and youth services sectors.

Please note: as this is a consultation report and not a national snapshot report, the data included in this report is location specific and representative of young people still living in that area as of 2023.

MYAN National Youth Conference 2023

MYAN National Youth Conference 2023 is set to take place in Canberra, on 27-28th November 2023. It aims to bring together experienced advocates and leaders working across diverse sectors to share knowledge about youth migration, and identify the challenges and barriers to youth settlement in Australia.The conference prioritizes the inclusion of CALD  youth, with a particular focus on youth from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

National Youth Settlement Framework

The National Youth Settlement Framework (NYSF) 2020 edition remains Australia’s first and only evidence-based national guide to benchmark good practice with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds – and is the only one of its kind globally. With practical tools, including Self-Assessment Guides, and a range of supplementary resources the NYSF is designed to equip policymakers and service providers with the skills and knowledge to best support young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds to thrive in Australia.

“We are using the NYSF to inform how we build the capacity of young people.  As a good practice framework, the NYSF provides us with the foundation to look at whether our services are being responsive to the needs and aspirations of young people as they see them.”

– Jeremy Leonard, Australian Red Cross

MYAN continues to work to ensure that the safety, rights, and interests of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds are protected and upheld in the COVID-19 public health crisis.

Find resources, videos and more on our COVID-19 support page. Click here.

MYAN has released a COVID-19 Policy Platform identifying seven priority areas for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

We are calling for targeted approaches in policy and service delivery in: Employment, Income Support, Education, Digital Access, Mental Health, Family Violence and Racism, Discrimination and Youth Justice. Read more


National Data Snapshot-Youth Settlement 2022-23

Data Snapshot 2022: Humanitarian, Family and Skilled Youth Arrivals to Australia MYAN’s national data snapshot provides an overview of young people aged 12-24 who have arrived in Australia through family, skilled and humanitarian program streams from July 2022 to June 2023. The snapshot is based on data from the Department of Home Affairs.

Key points include:

In 2022-23, the number of young people who settled in Australia reverted to levels comparable to those seen before the COVID-19 pandemic, with 14,757 youth arrivals. In comparison, 13,759 arrived in 2018-19, over 9,000 arrived in both 2019-20 and 2021-22, and only 3,578 arrived in 2020-21.

25% of young people who arrived in Australia in 2022-23 were humanitarian entrants.. Over the past five years, the data indicates a consistent pattern of fewer young people being resettled through the humanitarian stream compared to the family and skilled streams. For instance, youth arrivals through the family stream consistently constitute the largest share (ranging from 40% to 80%) over the last five years.

The top three countries of birth for young people arriving Australia through the Humanitarian Program in 2022-23 were Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Syrian Arab Republic. This trend aligns with the past five years, with Congo being another significant country of birth over this period. Afghanistan, the Philippines, and Vietnam were the leading countries of birth for young people entering under the family stream in 2022-23, consistent with the trend observed over the last five years.

New South Wales and Victoria continue to settle the largest numbers of young people – 61% of young people from all the migration streams in 2022-23.

While the main countries of birth for young arrivals exhibit consistency at the national level over the past five years, the distribution of these young people across the country is highly location-specific.  For instance, during MYAN’s national consultations with young people in 2023, each location had a unique composition of young individuals born overseas, with distinct proportions and mixes of countries of origin and visa streams.

Download the Snapshot here.

Data Snapshot 2022: Multicultural Youth in Australia

Data Snapshot 2023: Multicultural Youth in AustraliaMYAN recently developed a Youth Data Snapshot. This infographic captures data on young people based off information from the most recent Census along with some other resources. Find overview here.

Download the Snapshot here.

Data Snapshot 2022: Humanitarian, Family and Skilled Youth Arrivals to Australia

Data Snapshot 2022: Humanitarian, Family and Skilled Youth Arrivals to Australia MYAN has once again developed a national snapshot on the number of young people aged 12-24 who arrived in Australia via the Family, Skilled and Humanitarian program streams in the 2020/21 financial year. Using the latest data from the Department of Home Affairs, the snapshot includes information on a range of demographic data, including age, gender, religion, language and settlement location.

Download the Snapshot here.

Data Snapshot 2022: Multicultural Youth in Australia

Data Snapshot 2023: Multicultural Youth in AustraliaMYAN recently developed a Youth Data Snapshot. This infographic captures data on young people based off information from the most recent Census along with some other resources. Find overview here.

Download the Snapshot here.

Data Snapshot on Youth Settlement Trends 2020-2021

Data Snapshot on Youth Settlement Trends 2018-2019MYAN has once again developed a national snapshot on the number of young people aged 12-24 who arrived in Australia via the Family, Skilled and Humanitarian program streams in the 2020/21 financial year. Find overview here.

Download the Snapshot here.

Data Snapshot on Youth Settlement Trends 2018-2019

Data Snapshot on Youth Settlement Trends 2019-2020MYAN prepares these demographic data snapshots annually and this year’s version continues to be particularly important in the context of COVID-19 and the more disproportionate implications for newly arrived young people. Find summary notes here.

Download the Snapshot here.

Data Snapshot on Youth Settlement Trends 2018-2019

MYAN prepares these demographic data snapshots annually and this year’s version is particularly important in the context of COVID-19 and the more disproportionate implications for newly arrived young people.

Download the Snapshot here.

MYAN Data Report: Youth Settlement Trends in Australia 2016-2017

MYAN Data Report: Youth Settlement Trends in Australia 2016-2017

MYAN Australia has released a Data Report on Youth Settlement Trends 2016-2017. This report provides a comprehensive overview of national trends in youth settlement in the Humanitarian and broader Migration Programme, looking at demographic data, state/territory trends, religion, English language and visa sub-classes.

Read the Report here.  Download the Snapshot here.

Humanitarian Youth Arrivals to Australia Information Sheet 2015-16

This resource provides national data on humanitarian youth arrivals for the period June 2015-16. MYAN has produced Information Sheets annually by financial year since 2008. This information sheet is the first place this data has been compiled nationally and provides an important snapshot of settlement trends and patterns in youth settlement to Australia through this migration program. It also provides some analysis of the issues impacting young people in the settlement context.

Humanitarian Youth Arrivals to Australia Information Sheet 2014-15

This resource provides national data on humanitarian youth arrivals for the period June 2014-15. MYAN has produced Information Sheets annually by financial year since 2008. This information sheet is the first place this data has been compiled nationally and provides an important snapshot of settlement trends and patterns in youth settlement to Australia through this migration program. It also provides some analysis of the issues impacting young people in the settlement context.

Humanitarian Youth Arrivals to Australia Information Sheet 2013-14

This resource provides national data on humanitarian youth arrivals for the period June 2013-14. MYAN has produced Information Sheets annually by financial year since 2008. This information sheet is the first place this data has been compiled nationally and provides an important snapshot of settlement trends and patterns in youth settlement to Australia through this migration program. It also provides some analysis of the issues impacting young people in the settlement context.

Humanitarian Youth Arrivals to Australia Information Sheet 2008-13

This resource provides national data on humanitarian youth arrivals for the period June 2008-13. MYAN has produced Information Sheets annually by financial year since 2008. This information sheet is the first place this data has been compiled nationally and provides an important snapshot of settlement trends and patterns in youth settlement to Australia through this migration program. It also provides some analysis of the issues impacting young people in the settlement context.

2021 Women at Risk Visa Holder (Subclass 204) - MYAN and MCA Consultation Report

This report is intended to provide insights into how women and young people arriving through the Women at Risk (WaR) program are faring in their settlement journey, including good practice and gaps in support. It provides a summary of key findings from a national sector consultation and individual interviews with service providers in relation to the settlement experiences of women and youth under the 204 visa category.

WaR visa holders arriving in Australia share common pre-arrival vulnerabilities, including exposure to physical and sexual violence, and post-traumatic stress disorder, but to date, no national work has been undertaken to understand the particular settlement challenges experienced by young people arriving on this visa.

Engage Respectfully with Young People from Refugee Backgrounds-Trainers Guide

This resource describes the skills and knowledge required to communicate effectively with young people (aged 12 to 25 years) in work roles with a specific focus on young people. It applies to work undertaken in work roles where the young person is the primary client.

These resources were developed by a consortium made up of Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network , Navitas English, AMES Australia, MDA Ltd (formerly known as the Multicultural Development Association) and Margaret Piper and Associates (MPA) written by Margaret Piper AM; reviewed by Grace Langton, Education Manager, Youth Work Discipline Group, College of Education, Victoria University; and proofed by Rosemary Baxter.

Engage Respectfully with Young People from Refugee Backgrounds-Participants Handbook

This resource has been designed to facilitate the development of the competencies required for people working or intending to work with young people from refugee backgrounds. It aims to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to address the specific needs of this client group and to develop constructive attitudes to this work. This resource reflects the opinion that working with young people from refugee backgrounds requires knowledge, skills and attitudes additional to and distinct from those required to work with other young people or other newly arrived groups.

These resources were developed by a consortium made up of Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network, Navitas English, AMES Australia, MDA Ltd (formerly known as the Multicultural Development Association) and Margaret Piper and Associates (MPA) written by Margaret Piper AM; reviewed by Grace Langton, Education Manager, Youth Work Discipline Group, College of Education, Victoria University; and proofed by Rosemary Baxter.

English Language Acquisition for Young People from Refugee and Migrant Backgrounds: A brief policy review and reflections of the Youth Transitions Support Providers

This paper has been prepared by MYAN with Youth Transitions Support (YTS)1 service providers through the YTS Community of Practice (COP). The YTS COP was established to support an independent evaluation of the YTS pilot, facilitate collaboration and reflection on good practice and document YTS practice. It was coordinated by MYAN.

This paper highlights the perspectives of YTS providers and draws on MYAN’s policy work to provide an overview of recent research, policy and programming into the acquisition of English language skills in Australia by recently arrived young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. It provides an overview of gaps/barriers and strategies for strengthening young people’s English language acquisition identified by YTS providers.

2019 The Multicultural Youth Australia Census Status Report 2017/2018

The Multicultural Youth Australia Census Status Report 2017/2018 is the first ever status report and national study of young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.

The Report presents rich insights into how young people from diverse cultural backgrounds and faring socially, economically and culturally, highlighting the complex and sometimes conflicting values, opportunities, challenges and aspirations of these cohorts.

Among key insights, the report found that young people from diverse backgrounds feel a strong sense of belonging in Australia, despite experiencing concerning rates of racial discrimination. They were also found to have significant family connections and responsibilities, while facing barriers to employment, with a rate of almost 50% of underemployment among survey respondents. Overall, the report illustrates young multicultural people in Australia as optimistic, highly engaged and possessing unique intercultural skills and resilience that positions them to thrive in Australian society.

2018 Not Just Ticking a Box: Youth participation with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds

Not Just “Ticking a Box”: Youth participation with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds is a new publication which serves as a comprehensive guide for good practice in engaging and enhancing the participation of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. This resource aims to help organisations consider ways they can support and enable young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds to participate in decisions that affect them. Converging theory and practice, the resource includes a participation model outlining barriers, opportunities and ways to address barriers to the participation of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, examples of good practice through national and local case studies and a practical top tips and checklist section.

2017 BRIGHT FUTURES: Spotlight on the wellbeing of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds

MYAN and VicHealth recently commissioned The Bright Futures: Spotlight on the wellbeing of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds report by CSIRO’s Data 61. The report looks at how emerging global trends impact young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

Read the report here and its key points here

Bright Futures in the media:
Migrant and Refugee Students Struggle to Find Work in Australia
New report identifies trends impacting young refugees and migrants’ wellbeing

2017 Desk Review of Programming Guidelines for Adolescents & Youth in Emergencies: Education, Health, Livelihoods & Durable Solutions

A collaboration between MYAN Australia, the RET International, INEE and NRC to strengthen a focus on youth and adolescents in programming. This desk review demonstrates need to put adolescents & youth at the centre of programmatic guidelines.

2014 Young People Creating Change: a toolkit for developing advocacy skills with young people

MYAN and the Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYAC) are pleased the launch an exciting resource, Young People Creating Change: a toolkit for developing advocacy skills with young people.

The Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYAC) partnered with MYAN to adapt AYAC’s original toolkit, to ensure that it is inclusive of young people from CaLD backgrounds.

The new Toolkit is designed as a resource for young people and those who work with young people, to deliver a 2-day introductory training program.  This program includes an introduction to advocacy activities and skills; the opportunity to explore how young people might apply these skills and promote their own ideas; and practical strategies for creating change in their community. It encourages young people to build on their existing experience, knowledge and stories.

2014 The CALD Youth Census Report: The First Australian Census Data Analysis of Young People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds.

This brief report provides broad data on key demographics related to these population groups based on Australian Census data from 2011. The report looks at education, employment, and family and living arrangements for CALD and refugee youth and compares these data with that of each state by geographical boundaries to highlight finer spatial variations in population trends.

2012 Unaccompanied Humanitarian Minors (UHMs) in Australia: an overview of national support arrangements and key emerging issues

MYAN developed this policy paper to explore key emerging issues in relation to the care and support of this group of young people. The paper provides a national overview of the support arrangements for UHMs across Australia, as well as key emerging issues in relation to the care and support of this group of young people.

2019 FUSE National Multicultural Youth Leadership Summit

In 2019 FUSE was once again delivered as a transformative 3-days leadership event – Australia’s only national multicultural youth leadership summit. The Report highlights its panel sessions, workshops and the key recommendations of the final pitches to decision makers.

2017 MYAN National Conference Snapshot

Young People in a Multicultural World: rethinking a new policy and practice agenda was hosted by MYAN Australia in partnership with the Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne, on 23rd and 24th November 2017. The conference was designed to investigate how research, policy and practice can best respond into the future, through exploration of the themes of ‘Global Citizenship’, ‘Education to Work’ and ‘Social Cohesion’.
This report provides a snapshot of the conference proceedings and key conference findings.


2016 FUSE National Multicultural Youth report

After the success of FUSE 2014, Australia’s second ever national multicultural youth summit, FUSE 2016 was held in Melbourne from December 6-9, 2016. Working with the themes ‘Connect’, ‘Ignite’ and ‘Trailblaze’, FUSE bought together 35 young people from across Australia to network with peers, share perspectives and ideas, and engage with experienced advocates, MPs and other decision-makers. Read more about FUSE in the summit report.

2014 FUSE National Multicultural Youth report

In October 2014, MYAN (Australia) hosted ‘FUSE’ – Australia’s first ever national multicultural youth summit. Held in Sydney, and working with the themes of ‘Connect’, ‘Ignite’ and ‘Trail-blaze’ , FUSE brought together 40 of the brightest multicultural young leaders from across Australia to put a multicultural lense on national youth issues. FUSE equipped young people with the skills, confidence and networks to become influential Australians. Read more about FUSE 2014 in the summit report.

2013 Refugee Youth in Focus National Forum Report

The MYAN was proud to auspice Australia’s first national conference on refugee young people in partnership with the University of Sydney Law School.  With over 300 representatives working across the education, employment, health, settlement and migration law fields, the forum was a unique and exciting opportunity to engage in the issues facing children and young people in the asylum and settlement contexts, and the sectors supporting them. The conference provided an important platform to explore well targeted approach to youth settlement. Read more in the Forum Report.

2018 Working with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds: Applying the National Youth Settlement Framework in mainstream services

Presented by Andrew Cummings (MYAN Acting National Coordinator), Sally Thompson (MYAN TAS) and hosted by Child Family Community Australia (CFCA), this webinar explored good practice when working with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, using the MYAN’s  national Youth Settlement Framework (YSF).

This webinar built upon previous webinars hosted with MYAN to focus on recent developments with the National Youth Settlement Framework and how it can be applied in mainstream services. The webinar examined newly developed assessment guides designed to support the planning and evaluation of programs and activities for young people, as well as the launch of a new resource focusing on the participation of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, which is one of the Good Practice Capabilities outlined in the framework. The webinar also shared the experiences of a recent collaboration facilitated by Multicultural Youth Tasmania to embed the framework within a mainstream youth-focused program.

A full recording of this webinar is available on YouTube.

The audio, transcript and presentation slides are available here.

2017 Supporting young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds: Good practice and measuring settlement outcomes

This webinar with the Australian Institute of Family Studies, presented by Nadine Liddy, Heather Stewart, Pilar Rioseco and John De Maio (March 2017) discusses the implementation of the National Youth Settlement Framework, providing examples of community based initiatives and practical strategies for supporting young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Check it out here.

2015 Good practice with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds

Presented by Nadine Liddy (MYAN National Coordinator), Heather Stewart (CMY Regional Coordinator) and hosted by Child Family Community Australia (CFCA), this webinar explored good practice when working with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, using the MYAN’s  national Youth Settlement Framework (YSF).

The webinar audio and slides are available here and you can access a range of resources on the CFCA website.


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Akansha Chaubey


Author: Mirdhula Yathra


Author: Kumari Pallavi Prajapati


Author : Rakshan


Author:  Trehan Sai


Author : Kyi Thitsar


Author:  Barnabee Diep-Dubois

Rank 2

Author: Joshua

Rank 1 

Author: Leidy Patiño
Rank: 9